Saturday, February 7, 2009

Super Savings Saturday: Harris Teeter Triple Coupons!

I love Harris Teeter triple coupons! The deals are usually better than Shoppers triple coupons, since Harris Teeter has better sales, even though their original prices are higher. Here's how I did:

At the original prices, all this would have cost over $70! Yikes! With the sales and triple coupons, my total paid was $14.43. Actually, it should have been more like $12, but for some reason the Desitin didn't ring up the sale price. It just goes to show how you have to carefully watch the scanned prices. I plan to go back and get the price adjusted if possible.

Here are my best deals: (Remember, triple coupons runs through Sunday, so if you have some of these coupons you should be able to get some of these deals.)

Trident gum - $1.49 - $.75/1 Trident gum = free!

Ortega refried beans - $1.00 - $.75/2 Ortega products = free!

Ortega salsa/green chilis - $1.50 - $.75/2 Ortega products = 2 for $.75

Muir Glen organic soup - $2.35 - $.75/1 Muir Glen product = $.10

Lysol toilet bowl cleaner - $2.49 - $.75/1 Lysol cleaner = $.24

Ziploc bags - $2.49 - $.75/1 Ziploc product (from fall Right at Home gift pack) = $.24

Smithfied bacon - $2.49 (sale) - $.55/1 Smithfield bacon = $.84

Reece's Whips - $.37 (clearance) - $1.00/2 = free! (I'm going to double check and make sure these weren't included in the recall though!)

Altogether, I think this was one of my best triple coupon trips yet!

PS - If you're still planning your triple coupons trip, check out posts here and here for more ideas.

PPS - Check out Money Saving Mom for more great Super Savings Saturday posts.


  1. That's awesome, Liz! I have a question about coupons. Do you subscribe to the paper or just buy it on the weekend? Do you buy multiple copies? I have seen a lot of deals on Money Saving Mom and other places where they assume you have multiple copies of the coupons and I was just wondering what you did.

  2. Ashley, I subscribe to just the Sunday paper. It's not much more than buying it every week, and then I'm sure I get it.

    I buy extra papers occasionally, only if I know that there are several really good coupons that I know will make back the cost. Also, my sister is kind enough to save me the coupons from her paper that she doesn't use, so I often have at least two of many coupons.


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