Thursday, April 2, 2009

Small Successes

1) I got a good night's sleep . . . by which I mean . . . nearly 12 hours!!! Monday night I went to bed around 9:00 o'clock and didn't get up until 8:30 AM! Of course, I did have to get up with the baby in there, but for me, that was more sleep that I've gotten in a really long time!
2) I cleaned the whole main floor of my house, including dusting, vacuuming, and mopping the kitchen floor. How did I have the energy and will to do this? See 1) above.
3) I had a fairly productive baking day yesterday, so now we're pretty well stocked with baked goods and other snacks for the next week or two.

My baking day results:

PS - Check out more Small Successes here.

PPS - You can still enter my first giveaway here.


  1. Congrats, Liz! Glad you could catch up on sleep!

  2. The first picture is cooked black beans (my favorite). I cook them and freeze them to pull out whenever I need them.

  3. WOW!! Can you send me some baked goods? You are fantastic!! What a list!! Great job!!!!

  4. Hey, it's supposed to be SMALL successes!! :) j/k BUt seriously, all of your 3 are fantastic -- way to go!

  5. You're making me so hungry! Kudos on the sleep - that is really some kind of miracle :)

  6. Can you post your bagel recipe & also how you do the black beans


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