Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Garden Update

The first weekend in September we planted a small fall crop, after clearing out our dead cucumber vines.  We planted another row each of radishes and carrots, as well as three rows of the mesclun greens that I never got to plant in the spring. 

Everything sprouted very quickly, and I'm hopeful that we'll have some nice salads before anything is killed by frost.

However, see the largest sprouts in the picture of the mesclun greens below?  I'm pretty sure those are actually cucumbers!!!  When we cleared out  the cucumber vines, there were several cucumbers that had not ripened properly that were starting to rot.  I knew that I had worked some of them into the soil but I didn't know that they would sprout, especially so quickly!  Now I just have to make sure of what they are and pull them out so they don't choke out the greens!

Our nasturtiums are still beautiful and cheery, and I pick the leaves all the time for sandwiches and salads.  Michael told me that he was skeptical of my planting them, but he is very enthusiastic now, as he likes the taste and appreciates the practicality of edible flowers!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Liz,
    Great job with your garden!
    Also, I just noticed the new look for your blog; love the cute new header at the top.
    Keep up the great work with your blog!


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