Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Book Review: Love Your Heart by Tim McGraw & Tom Douglas

I confess: my first reading of Tim McGraw's sweet book brought tears to my eyes.  It's not so much that it is a brilliant book, but that its theme is one that I want more than anything for my daughters to internalize.  Namely, kindness and charity are more important than any talent.

Love Your Heart is an illustrated story book for ages 4-10.  It tells the short and simple story of a little girl named Katie who keeps trying to figure out what to do for the school talent show.  Her father supports each attempt, saying, for instance, "I love your cartwheels."

Finally, Katie decides on an act and prepares to perform.  However, at the last minute, her friend is unable to perform her act due to an injury.  Katie sacrifices her own entry to help her friend win the talent show prize.  Her daddy tells her at the end, "But most of all, I love your heart."

The book is beautifully illustrated by Abigail Marble.  The quality of the illustrations always means a lot to me, especially since my girls are so young, so I appreciated the attractive and happy pictures in this book.

My 3-1/2 year old, GiGi, enjoyed the story and the pictures, and asked questions about what Katie was doing in each picture.  However, I would say the book is even more suited to a child a year or two older.  The plot centered around a school talent show would probably mean more to a child already in school.

I think this book would make a lovely gift, especially from a daddy to his little girl.  The list price $16.99 for the hardcover book, but Amazon is selling it for $11.55 right now.

To get a preview of Love Your Heart, you can check out the flip version of the book here.  Overall, I recommend this book as a sweet and uplifting story.

This is a Mama Buzz Review.  The product was provided by Thomas Nelson Publisher for this review.

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