Friday, February 26, 2010

Guest Post: 12 Steps to Becoming a Consignment Diva

I'm so excited to publish this guest post today from Chrissy of  Consignment Mommies.  This site is a great resource to find consignment sales in your area, as well as reviews and tips.  Be sure to check it out, especially if you're new to consignment shopping.

12 Steps to Becoming a Consignment Diva

I’ll admit, I can sometimes be “picky” about things. So when I got pregnant and my mom stocked her own personal nursery with consignment sale finds, I was skeptical. And then, I went to my first sale. And my second. And my third. I was quickly addicted. Not only was the selection exponentially better than what I was finding at Target, Carters and Baby Gap, but it was a great green approach, the toy & clothing quality was surprising and of course, the prices were great.

Last season, we created to help other busy moms find, rate and compare the sales. After all, some sales are fabulous, some… well, not so much. Over the season’s, I’ve learned from other “Consigning Mommies” and though I’d share some tips on channeling your inner Consignment Diva.


#1: Clean Out Your Closets & Start Labeling!

The benefits are two-fold. First, you’ll get some extra closet space. Second, you’ll get the added benefits of early shopping at most sales. And that means you’ll get your hands on the best items before the crowds!

#2: Presentation is Everything:

Break out the iron and press all of your clothes and some toys, if necessary. It'll hide a bit of the pilling as well :)

#3: The Price is Right:

Most people agree that the best pricing strategy is about 1/3 of what you paid retail for an item.

#4: Add Notes on Sizing:

If something fits like a 12 month item, but is labeled 18 months, make a note and make sure it is placed in the 12 month area. Items often get left hanging because they look too big / small in their sections.

#5: Read Your Consigning Instructions Twice:

Every sale is a bit different so don't miss the opportunity to sell because you didn't follow directions!
#6: Consider Volunteering:

If you can’t part with your clothes and toys just yet, volunteer with your favorite sale. You’ll get in early and get the best finds!
#7: Man Your Troops:

Let’s face it, shopping in packs is much more fun! You might need a second opinion on whether that $2 green dress is really cute or just really cheap! Plus, with so many sales in the area, you’ll never make it to all of them… but your friends just might! Spread the word on items you are looking for and help a friend in return.
#8: Pre-Game:

While the hubs is gearing up for March madness, get to those closets and start your pre-game attack by taking inventory. I always have a list of basics I need and then “perfect match” items that I need to complete an outfit. Whether you have a formal list or just do a mental scan, you should always have an idea on what is in your current inventory!

#9: Bring a Tote:

There’s nothing more back breaking then carrying armloads of clothes and toys around. Bring a rolling suitcase, rolling tote or a laundry basket with a belt tied around it so you can pile up your selections.

#10: Look High, Look Low:

As we all know, children’s sizing can be all over the place! Look in the sizes immediately above and below your child’s so you don’t miss something spectacular. I always have “perfect fit” pieces (a cotton top & bottom with perfect length) in my bag to compare against pieces with questionable sizing. You may also want to shop for next season. There may be a STELLAR deal on a beautiful boutique dress for the perfect price!

#11: Gather Like Crazy, Then Filter:

When shopping, I first grab everything that catches my eye. Then, I find a corner and filter my selections. This is where having a buddy is helpful. My mom always brings me back to reality… “do I really need ANOTHER pair of khaki pants?” Once you’ve filtered, return your pieces and do another quick sweep to catch what other moms have returned.

#12: Map Out the Sales:

There’s a ton of sales in the area, so make sure to map out your plan of attack and compare notes with your friends. Visit our site to search for sales by zip and view ratings & reviews at

Chrissy Freeman is a consignment sale addict, web designer and mommy to one-year-old Jackson. Chrissy was “that mom” that organized the list of local sales into a spreadsheet for her friends. Seeing an opportunity for something more, she created so other moms could find the BEST sales in the area and share their valuable feedback with each other!

This post is linked to Frugal Fridays at Life as Mom.

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