Monday, February 22, 2010

Menu Plans

Yikes!  Last week, for the first time in a very long while, I did not make a menu plan at all!  And yes, it was definitely a mistake.  Not only did I have the stress of going through the cupboards and freezer each night figuring out what we would eat, but I feel that I definitely spent more while grocery shopping.  Without a concrete plan of what we would have each day, it was hard to make a concrete list, and I know that I picked up a number of items "just in case."  We also had my college student sister staying with us over the weekend, and I had to send my husband out to get several last minute items for meals, since I hadn't properly planned our menu.

But enough with the guilt - on to this week's plan!  I'm down to just a bit left in the grocery budget for the month, so I'm going to try to eat from the pantry until the later half of the week.  At the end of the week I might start stocking up for March, especially since I'll probably do a baking/cooking day at the beginning of the month.

This week's plan:

yogurt, cereal, eggs, toast

tuna, pbj, leftovers, grilled cheese & butternut squash soup

Mon - Leftover slow cooker pot roast with potatoes and carrots
Tues - Homemade meatball pizza, salad
Wed - Beef enchiladas (recipe in new Parents magazine)
Thurs - Leftovers (Daddy out at guys' night)
Fri - Vegetable fritatta, muffins or bread
Sat - tba
Sun - tba

Baking list:
- whole wheat tortillas
- sandwich bread

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