Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow Cream!

I was craving ice cream the night before last, and while we didn't have any in the freezer, we sure had a lot of snow outside!  I knew I had read about people making snow cream, and a quick Google search turned up the basic recipe: simply milk, sugar, vanilla extract, and, of course, fresh clean snow!
Since Wednesday night was the night after our second January blizzard, there was plenty of fresh snow!  I just opened the back door and scooped some off our deck.  (Disclaimer: I would definitely only have done this with fresh snow.  But my girls eat snow anyway, fresh or not.  You have to eat a pound of dirt before you die, right?)

For my mixing bowl full of snow I probably used about a cup of milk and 3/4 cup of sugar, adding gradually and mixing until it seemed the right consistency.  I also added at least a teaspoon of vanilla.
We all enjoyed the finished product, which was sweet, milky, and very cold!  My husband compared the consistency to Italian ice.  
This was definitely a frugal way to make ice cream -- no need for an ice cream maker or even for heavy cream!  And my girls were thrilled; it will definitely be a fun memory for them.  My husband said it was the sort of thing that no kids on the playground would believe that their mom really did.  I considered that a high complement.  

Making snow cream was a Finer Thing in Life.


  1. I love snow ice cream! Yummy! I used to have it every snow fall when I was growing up. I remember I had it a lot in high school especially during the 96 snow storm. Memories!

  2. We made it after our last snow, too. Yum! And it seems even colder than the stuff in the freezer. Odd...


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