Sunday, June 27, 2010

Menu Planning Monday

This weekend the girls and I leave for the beach with my family!  (Unfotunately, my husband has to save his time off for the baby's birth, so he's staying behind.)  I'm very excited, but I have sooo much to do!  Our menus this week are very simple; I'm focusing on getting ready.  Any major cooking I'm doing is to freeze for Michael to eat while were gone (more on that later).

cereal, yogurt, eggs, toast

pepperoni, cheese, and crackers; peanut butter; leftovers

Mon - Ground beef stroganoff, salad
Tues - Chili (out of a big pot I'm making for Michael), rice, chips
Wed - Italian sausage with white beans and spinach
Thurs - Leftovers
Fri - Frozen pierogis, salad
Sat - Leave for the beach!!!

Check out more menus at Menu Planning Monday.

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