Thursday, July 15, 2010

No-Sew Felt Cupcakes: A Tutorial

Hi! I'm Lacy from Catholic Icing and I'm guest posting for Liz today, who's probably sitting on the beach under an umbrella right now ;-)

I'm so in love with all the felt food you see everywhere, but man is it ever expensive! You'll pay like $8/cupcake on etsy- which I'm sure is a fair price given that they're made by hand- but that's a little steep for the tea parties I have with my daughter. I mean, we're drinking air for goodness sakes! So I developed these easy-to-make no sew felt cupcakes that can be made for pennies each!

You'll need the following supplies:
1 Flower Shaped Pool Noodle (I used yellow, and you can get these at the Dollar Tree)
Cool Glue Gun
Assorted Felt
Red Pom Pom Balls

First, use a bread knife (or other serrated knife) to cut your pool noodle into chunks like this:

Use your knife to shave the top of the pool noodle to make it kind of rounded at the top. Don't stress out about it being perfect because it won't matter.

Then, cut yourself a scalloped felt circle for your "icing". It needs to be bigger around than the pool noodle.

Take your cool glue gun and attach the felt icing to the top of the pool noodle cupcake. I say to use your cool glue gun because a really hot one will melt the pool noodle.

For a different type of "icing", cut your felt into strips and attach in a haphazard circular manner with your glue gun, like so:
Finish the tops of all the cupcakes by gluing on a red "cherry" pom pom. Or if your daughter wants blue cherries on her cupcakes, I think that's pretty normal. We have a few of those floating around. :-)

The pool noodles wedge very nicely into a standard size cupcake tin. This was a fun surprise for us!

My daughter loves them, and has been singing "Happy Birthday" to me about 20 times a day since I made them. It's almost like she doesn't know they didn't cost $8 each... Lol!

Happy baking, everyone! :-)

I'm a Catholic stay-at-home Mommy of 3 beautiful children- ages 4, 2, and brand new! :-) I was an art major in college, and I LOVE anything creative. Thrifting is one of my favorite past times, along with decorating, painting, ceramics, videography- I have waaaay too many hobbies to list them all!


  1. Lacy,
    Cute cupcakes! Thanks for sharing your tutorial with us!

  2. These are adorable! I know my daughter will love helping me make some and they will be so much fun to play with...THANKS!!

  3. ADORABLE!!! I love that you don't need to know how to sew!

  4. These are so cute. I just have to pin them to my preschool board.


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