Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Relevant Blogging Conference

I am so excited!!!  Next weekend, Oct. 21-24, I will be attending my first blogging conference, The Relevant Conference in Hershey, PA!

When I first heard about this conference, it appealed to me because it was small (limited to 200 attendees), Christian-based, and an easy drive from my home.  However, attending the conference seemed like a pipe dream for a relatively small blogger like me. 

I decided to simply put the issue in God's hands.  I asked that if he wanted me to go, He would make it happen.  Very quickly after I first prayed, he did just that, enabling me to get a ticket.  Since then he also provided me with two wonderful bloggers as roommates and carpool buddies and even a partial sponsor for my hotel and transportation costs!

So next Thursday, baby Gem and I will load up our minivan with Lacy and her little one and Laura and we'll be heading to Hershey!  I won't be blogging during the conference, but I'm sure I'll have much to share when I get back.  My hope for the conference is that it will improve this blog as a service to my readers and  help me to use my blogging as a blessing for myself and my family.


  1. Congratulations! I hope you will share your experience with us too.

    Best Regards,

  2. Hi Liz, I'm so excited about the Relevant Conference and getting to travel and room with you and Lacy and your babies. Looking forward to learning a lot and meeting other like-minded bloggers. It's going to be a blast!
    Laura, Frugal Friends in Northern Virginia

  3. How exciting! Have fun!


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