Tuesday, November 9, 2010

November Freezer Cooking

Over the past week or so, I've been trying to slowly do some freezer cooking.  This was challenging, as I am still at the post-partum point where it's a victory to get a homemade dinner made.  However, it was important to me to try get a little extra cooking in, so that I would have some backup food for those crazy days.

I managed to fit some freezer cooking during a couple of times when my toddler napped, and I did a bunch one afternoon when a dear friend took the girls for a few hours.  I also am accomplishing a lot by doubling/tripling/quadrupling the dishes I make for dinner.  It take hardly any extra effort to make a large quantity of something versus a small one, and then I have dinner for multiple nights or to freeze.  So right now I am making everything in huge quantities! 

Here's the cooking I accomplished recently:
- 12 homemade breakfast "hot pockets" using refrigerated crescent rolls
- 24 muffins (from mixes)
- 1 loaf chocolate chip banana bread
- 1 large pan baked oatmeal
- bag of homemade baked chicken nuggets
- huge batch of crock pot BBQ chicken - ate 3 times and 1 dinner in freezer
- huge pot of crock pot beef stew - ate 3 times

Some of this might not be technically "freezer cooking" since it never made it to the freezer!  It definitely would be nice to make everything over a day or two and sock it away, but that is just not going to happen in my life right now.  However, at least I stocked us up with a few homemade items to give us a start on the rest of the month!


  1. how do you make your "hot pockets"?....i find your e-mails very helpful. thanks for sharing and congratulations on the new little one. :-)

  2. Anon - For these, I "cheated" and used refrigerated crescent rolls, with a filling of eggs, sausage, and cheese. It definitely made them pretty quick to make, although folding the crescent roll dough around the filling was a bit challenging. I also have made this "from scratch" recipe before:

    So glad you find my site helpful! Thanks for reading!


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