When you have three children and your oldest is 4-1/2 and you still haven't finished her first year album, you know that it's time to make a change! I have come to realize that for me, scrapbooking is no longer a viable hobby. It can be very expensive and time-consuming, and, although I enjoyed the creativity, I'd rather have current and past photos of my children available to enjoy.
That's why lately I have turned to photos books. I have now created several digital photo books from a few different sites, and I have been very pleased with the results. While you probably could spend several hours creating a book, I have spent no more than an hour on each. I usually use the option where the site fills in the photos for me, and then I can move them and edit if necessary.
The photo books are attractive and sleek, and they can range from pocket sized to large and hardcover. I can include any number of photos and text I wish. Best of all, it is easy to find deals on them!
Even if you pick one photo-sharing site to use and one size book to have uniform albums, you can regularly find deals around 30% off. To save even more, you can do what I do: I'll jump on the best deals, even if all my albums will be different sizes and shapes. You can find deals for free books (for only the price of shipping) on a semi-regular basis on the money-saving blogs.
Here are some deals that I see today:
Buy one,Get Two: Buy a 12x12 Photo book receive a free 5x7 & 2x3 Mini Book Code: B1G2PB Exp: 2/01
Free Shipping on Photobooks plus 75 Free Prints Code:FSCPFP 1/1-1/31
Save 15-30% on Photobooks
50% Off All Photobooks! Hurry, this is a limited time offer! Order today, receive in as few as 3 days.
Clark Color:
After Holiday Clearance! 40% off anything! Includes prints! Enter Code: RINGIN2011 at check out. S&H not included. Exp. 2011-01-31
In this age of digital photos, I like to make sure that I always have at least some physical photos of my family to enjoy together.
How do you handle creating photo albums? Have you used photo books?
Check out more tips at Works for Me Wednesday.
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