Friday, October 21, 2011

Bloom Big Deal Shopping Trip

I went shopping at Bloom today, because of their Big Deal promotion, where if you buy 30 items you get $15 off.  I did a similar deal a few months ago in conjunction with one of their Super Double coupon days, and the deals were really good.   This time, my plan was to do the deal in conjunction with the $10 off $40 coupon on the front of this week's ad.

I looked for the items that were the closest to $1.00 with or without coupons, so that my savings would get as close to 50% as possible.  It was a little hard to keep of track of the pricing and percentages on everything, especially without knowing the prices of all the items (there are more than featured in the ad) and what would be in stock.

However, in the end I am quite happy with my haul.  Take a look:

My total was $43.50 for all of this.  According to the receipt, I saved $80.07.  If you take out the cost of the two more expensive items (toilet paper for $3.99 after coupon and discounted Dryel refills for $5.39), that makes 40 items for $34 or $.85/item, including tax.  I would say that's pretty good, especially considering I got usually more expensive frozen prepared items and even some shrimp and other items for date night!

Just so you know, we don't normally eat all these frozen breakfast items, but I don't mind them once in a while.  It is nice sometimes to have something that is grab and go, so I am not tempted by the Starbucks or McDonald's drive through!

For all the deals at Bloom this week, go to Capitally Frugal.

What deals have you gotten this week?

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