Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Extreme Couponing!

Have you all seen this video about "extreme" couponers?  Pretty cool!  I really can't believe that guy's stockpile!  I hope his family can use it all!

(Thanks Ashley and Rose for sharing!)


  1. Wow! I love clipping coupons and go food shopping. It is unbeliavable how much you can save. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I think that guy's stockpile is insane. There is no way one family can eat all that before it expires. he should consider donating a lot. It's not really free if it goes to waste.

  3. That guy's stockpile was crazy. I definitely prefer couponing in order to, as you say, live the good life on less and not just to get things solely because they are free. Just my two cents! ;)

  4. I don't think I could ever take it that far. I usually coupon in regards to how I shop. Like we don't eat jello, hence I don't buy it. LOL That's a little overboard, IMO. She had a lot, too, but she bought a little more in the realm of what she needed and not just for the sake of buying it.

  5. The guy is a hoarder. I hope he donates a portion to a food bank. I use coupons and love a deal but I don't buy things that will go bad before i use them

  6. Hi everyone!

    I'm a Moderator at Nathan's website, and live in Silver Spring MD. Just for the record, Nathan donates VAST quantities to his church and to his local food bank. He was "full to the brim" for the ABC news piece. He works hard to find deals and does not let things he has bought go to waste. True, his buying style might not be right for everyone - but using just some of his techniques will significantly reduce your grocery and HBA expenditures. He's definitely NOT a hoarder, nor wasteful - he'd consider that a sin.

    Thanks so much!


  7. Mavourneen, thanks for commenting! It's great to know that Nathan is using his amazing couponing skills to do so much good.


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