Monday, March 29, 2010

Menu Plan: Holy Week

For Holy Week (the week before Easter) this week, I am planning all meatless dinners as part of our Easter preparation.  We'll still finish up some leftover meat for sandwiches, however.  My menu focus this week is on simplicity, as I'll be in the midst of lots of Easter preparations!

oatmeal, cereal, toast, yogurt

pbj, roast beef and turkey sandwiches, canned soup

Mon - Fried pierogis and vegetable stir-fry
Tues - Bean and rice burritos, fruit salad
Wed - Homemade cheese pizza, carrot sticks
Thurs - Frittata, salad, bread
Fri - Pasta with marinara, salad, bread
Sat - tba

Baking List:
- sandwich bread
- bagels
- French bread
- Easter cookies
- Easter bread

Check out more menus over at OrgJunkie.

1 comment:

  1. That's such a great idea to have only meatless meals in Holy Week. I should try this next year. That would def. be a sacrifice around here. ;)


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