Saturday, March 13, 2010

Super Savings Saturday

I made a very successful trip to Safeway yesterday, despite the fact that for some reason LuLu wailed the entire time we were in the store!  I was alerted to these great deals and got the coupon matchups from Gina here and here.

Basically, I purchased these 16 items (including one additional Nut Clusters not pictured) for a total of $8.49, including tax.  Plus, for buying the 4 Betty Crocker fruit snacks I received a catalina for $2.50 off my next order.  Counting that catalina, it worked out to an average of about $.37 per item!  I also happened to have a little left on a Safeway gift card that I had won in a giveaway, so the whole order cost me only $1.39 in real money!

I was especially thrilled about the bagged salad.  It is harder to find rock-bottom deals on produce than on other items, and we seem to eat more fresh produce every day.  And since I hate washing lettuce, this is a real treat for me.

Here's what else I spent this week:

Wegmans - $108.31
CVS - $4.42
Safeway - $1.39  
Total this week: $114.12
Total this month: $276.80
Total remaining: $38.20

I'm a little nervous about having spent so much already this month.  I have a lot of food, but just buying the "essentials" like milk, fruit, and yogurt could put us over the top this month.  I definitely have not been planning and managing as well lately.  I've bought some extra items and items at higher prices than I'd like, both because I haven't had as good menu plans and because I haven't had the energy to pursue a lot of deals at different stores.  However, my energy level seems to be getting a little higher each week, and hopefully I'll be able to make up for lost time!

PS - The Safeway deals are good through this coming Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. i totally loved getting the fruit snacks so cheap, especially with spring break being this week! just in time...


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