Thursday, October 14, 2010

Deal on Used Children's Clothing on PlumDistrict

Plum District, another of the daily deal sites, has an interesting deal on used children's clothing today.  For $20 (56% off), you can get a PRO membership to thredUP, a children's clothing swap site, plus a free clothing swap. 

Basically, thredUP is a site where you exchange boxes of gently used clothing with other families.  You can browse clothes by size, color, brand, and style and choose what will work for your family. 

The PRO membership is not necessary to use the site, but it gives you features like first dibs on the box of clothing you want, custom recommendations based on your profile, and access to "Golden Threds, " boxes of brand new clothing!

This sounds like a really good deal for people who don't have good thrift stores or consignment sales in their areas.  In my area, I have plenty of choice of used clothing, so I would be unlikely to need a service like this.  However, friends in other areas have told me that it is difficult to find quality used items, so this might be perfect for them.

To get this deal, go to Plum District and select "everywhere" as the region.

Note: This post includes my Plum District referral link, so I will get credit if you purchase through my link.  You can refer friends to the site and get credit as well.

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