Monday, October 11, 2010

Menu Planning Monday

Menu Planning!  It seems like a long time since I've done this.  Baby Gem was born on August 31, which ended up being followed by two weeks spent mostly in the hospital.  After that, thanks to the wonderful women from my mom's group at church, we received enough meals that I have cooked only one or two dinners over the past month.

However, it had to end sometime, so this week I am easing back into official menu planning.  It seems a bit overwhelming to sit down and make a plan, but I know that every evening will be a lot more overwhelming if I don't plan!

As you see, I'm making easy dishes that we can eat for more than one night and not worrying too much about variety.  I'll get back in my groove of cooking again . . . at some point . . .

cereal, poptarts, oatmeal, frozen muffins

leftover confetti salad, coldcuts with bread or crackers, pbj

popcorn, chips, trail mix

Mon - Chili (making a huge pot), cornbread
Tues - Homemade pizza, salad
Wed - Chili baked potatoes, salad
Thurs - Frozen leftover soup, bread
Fri - Homemade pizza, salad
Weekend - We have family in town and won't need to cook. :-)

As always, check out lots of other menu plans at OrgJunkie.

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