Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Snowy Day Deal Roundup

While I'm sitting around waiting for the big snow predicted this afternoon, I found a few good deals for you:

There's a really good online deal at Eversave today: $15 for $35 of worth of educational toys from Brighter Beginnings Toys - including Melissa and Doug, Klutz, and more.  The save cannot be used for shipping, which is a flat rate of $5.95.  You can buy up to 3 of these saves.  If you sign up for Eversave's email, you can get $2 in credit, making this an even better deal!  This deal is good through tomorrow, but may sell out before then.

Are you thinking about taxes yet?  Right now you can get the online editions of H&R Block at Home or Turbo Tax to prepare, print, and e-file your return for free.

Do you shop LandsEnd Overstocks?  A couple of days ago I ordered bathing suits for my girls for $6.99 each and a skort for $2.08!  You certainly can't beat that price for swimsuits right as we're getting into swim season, when everything's still full price!  If you sign up for LandsEnd's emails, they send you some offer practically every day, and you can almost always get free shipping.

Through 1/28, Fisher Price has free shipping with no minimum.  They always have a pretty decent sale section; this could be a good way to pick up a couple of birthday gifts or even toys for next Christmas.  In the sale section, I saw the Inn at Bethlehem and Three Wise Men sets that go with the Little People Nativity.

Speaking of discount toys, I just found a small section of clearance toys at my local Walmart that were 75% off the clearance prices!  I got two cute playdough sets to keep my girls busy on this snowy day - they were $.87 each!

Continue to keep an eye out for Christmas clearance.  By this time, it may be hidden away in a corner and the pickings will be slim, but anything you do find should be at least 75% off, if not more!

Do you see any great deals this week?

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