Wednesday, January 19, 2011

WFMW: Shopping at Night

When do you grocery shop?

At this season of my life, with a 4 year old, 2 year old, and 4 month old, I have switched do doing the majority of my grocery shopping at night.  Maybe I'm a wimp, but I just find it too difficult to take all three children and concentrate on shopping at the same time.  If my 4 year old is not asking for things, my 2 year old is running down the aisle or the baby is crying!

I think the only other option right now would be to drastically reduce my bargain shopping and hit only one store a week; I could probably manage that with the kids.  However, I could not in any way keep up our approximately $300/month grocery/household budget if I stopped hitting different stores for deals.

The solution right now has been that one night a week, usually on Monday nights, I head out around 8:00PM, after we've finished dinner.  I can hit three stores in two hours by myself.  I had been taking the baby, but since he's gotten a little older and it's been so cold, I've left by poor husband with him as well!  (Hubby does a great job, even if they all get in bed a little late. ;-)

As a confirmed "morning person," I actually hate going out at that hour, although it is peaceful once I'm shopping alone.  However, for now I'm willing to make the sacrifice to keep both our budget and my sanity intact!


  1. Amen! I grocery shop at night too, even though I hate it. It's just that the alternative is SO much worse!! ;)

  2. Keep your eyes open when you shop at night--a lot of times the manager will have surprise specials. We've often come home with 2/1 turkey breasts or rotisserie chickens by shopping after 8 p.m.!


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