Monday, May 16, 2011

Harris Teeter TRIPLES this week

Just wanted to let you all know that Harris Teeter will be having triple coupons this week, starting on Wednesday.  It seems like a year or two ago triple coupons was the big thing, but then they were replaced by super double coupons.  So this should be a fun change of pace, with the potential for some deals on different items than we usually get with super doubles. 

Coupons up to $.99 in face value will be tripled, which means that your best deals will probably be with $.75 coupons, which will triple to $2.25.  You can get started by pulling all those coupons out, and also by checking Jenny's initial list here.  I'll have some highlights from the sales ad on Wednesday morning, too.

Happy couponing!


  1. This is a good deal. Their prices can be kind of high though. I went through all of my coupons that I planned on tripling then went to the Wegman's shopping list page and got all of the Wegman's prices (since they generally have the lowest prices on most items) so I could compare with the HT prices as I shopped. Some items would still have cost more than Wegman's even with a triple coupon!

  2. Anon, thanks for sharing. It's always good to remember that just because something is on a special promotion doesn't mean it's the best deal you can get!


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