Friday, September 16, 2011

Harris Teeter Triples Trip

On Wednesday morning I overslept, had to get my poor daughter ready for school in ten minutes, and then had to get the little ones ready for my younger daughter's gymnastics and preschool interview.  Somehow, I fit a quick HT triples trip in all of that, even though I didn't even know about the promotiona until the night before.  Sometimes it's on the craziest days that I get the most done!

Despite my very minimal prep for this trip, I was actually really happy with my savings.  Even though I love Super Doubles, triple coupons are also nice once in a while.  It gives a chance for savings on different products.

Here's what I got:

Total spent: $21.61
Saved with VIC card: $21.30
Saved with coupons: $56.45

Have you been to HT triples this week?

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