Monday, July 16, 2012

Moving On

This is a difficult post to write, but I wanted to let you all know that I have decided to stop posting on Frugally Blonde.  I have no plans right now to delete the blog, so you will still be able to look back for ideas from old posts if you wish.

I am also excited to announce that Sarah from Capitally Frugal will be taking over the weekly Wegmans deals.  She is a great DC-area frugal blogger and a fellow Wegmans shopper, and I know she will do a great job.

I have greatly enjoyed posting on Frugally Blonde for the past 3-1/2 years, but it is just time to move on.  When I first started this blog, I was a relatively new mom of a 2 year old and a 6 month old who stayed at home most of the time with no car, and I was filled with enthusiasm for my recently discovered hobby of couponing and frugal blogs.

Now I am mom to three kiddos who will soon be 6, 4, and 2, and we have moved into the school years.  I really don't know if I have more or less time on my hands (it always seems busy as a mom), but my family's needs and schedule have changed.  I still coupon, cook from scratch, and use many strategies to save money, but, quite honestly, getting great deals and freebies is less of a focus than it used to be.   I have learned that for me, passing up on many deals is a good way to save the most money and to control the clutter in my little house.  I am finding that especially when you live in a small space, less is quite often very much more.

After more than three years, I don't know if I could give up blogging altogether, so I plan to stay around!  I will continue posting on Catholic Deals, my Catholic frugal blog, since it is relatively simple to keep up.  Also,  I loved posting about frugal lifestyle ideas, but lately I have also wished for an outlet to also write about other topics, such as my faith, family, and just random reflections.  I will be doing that at my new personal blog, The Circus McGuirkus.  This blog has no particularly unifying topic, and I will be posting only when I have the time and inclination.  But you are most welcome to follow along.

Frugally Blonde has been great fun and a great blessing to me over the past years, as have any of you who have read and commented.  Some of the most fun moments of the blog have been being interviewed on CNN, attending the Relevant blogging conference, receiving some fun freebies and giving them away to readers, meeting and connecting with other bloggers (such as Laura, Gina, and Sarah), and trying and posting about many fun cooking from scratch projects.  But the most rewarding moments have been any time that I received a comment or email from one of you saying that you were inspired or used one of my ideas to save money.  I am blessed for any small difference this blog might have made.

I admit to being a little sad about the end of the era of Frugally Blonde, but I have total peace and excitement about the next era to come.  Please feel free to keep in touch, and happy frugal living!

All the best,



  1. Thank you for all the time that you have put into this blog. I know it takes a lot of dedication and time (every time I have tried to start even just a personal blog I have never kept up for more than a month or two!). Enjoy the extra time with your family!

  2. So sorry to see you go, Liz, but I'm glad you'll keep up with Catholic Deals. I've shared your site with many friends and neighbors, and I think there's a big audience for it.

    Best wishes to you!

  3. Thank you so much for your blog. I've learned a lot from you. Good luck in the future!

  4. Just wanted to say THANK YOU for taking the time to post on this blog. I have learned a lot from you! Blessings to you!


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