Saturday, April 18, 2009

Super Savings Saturday

This post is late this week since I did most of my shopping today. As I mentioned on Tuesday, I skipped regular grocery shopping and just made a quick milk run earlier in the week. Today, however, I couldn't resist heading over to Bloom's triple coupons.

First of all, though, I was out bright and early yard-saleing this morning! It seemed like today was the official opening of yard sale season or something. It was a gorgeous day, and bargain-hunters were out in full force!

A really nice local neighborhood was having their community yard sale, so I figured there would be good stuff and a lot to choose from. Sure enough, I was very pleased. Here's what I purchased:
Rival ice cream maker - $5
Bag of ball pit balls - $3 (We put these in a wading pool at my daughter's birthday last year, and it was a huge hit.)
Melissa and Doug wooden shape sorter - $2
Melissa and Doug set of four wooden puzzles - $.75
Four books - $2 ($.50 each)
Little Tykes plastic baby doll high chair - $1
Plastic lawnmower - $1
Total: $14.75

And here's what I got for $13.13 on my Bloom run:

My favorite deals were on the yogurt:

Breyer's yogurt cups - $.50/each (sale) - 3 x ($.50/4 coupon) = $.50 for 4!
Breyer's character yogurt 6-pack - $2.50 - 2 x ($.75/1 coupon) = $.25 for six-pack!

I also got the Wacky Mac, Yakisoba noodles, Oscar Mayer Deli Creations, sour cream, green chiles, and french fried onions each for free or under $.25 after tripled coupons.
Finally, my husband scored a great deal at Home Depot this evening. He stopped there to get soil for our garden and ended up getting 7 bags for the price of 4! He was looking at the bags of soil, and an employee approached him at asked if he would be interested in some bags that had been torn. He told Michael that if he purchased some regular bags he could get the torn ones for free! So Michael purchased four bags and got three for free.

So we had a good Saturday of bargain shopping, and we did a lot of yard work and got our garden bed mostly dug. I hope you all had a good Saturday as well!
Here's my grocery budget update for this week:

Wegmans: $14.54
Bloom: $13.13
CVS: $3.14

Total for month: $256.50
Total left in budget: $93.50

1 comment:

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