Monday, October 5, 2009

Two Week Menu Plan

I went grocery shopping this morning without finishing my menu plan, and I felt very disorganized.  I'm really hooked on planning menus now, so much so that I get really stressed when I don't.  Having dinner planned every night just makes my life that much easier!

I think I've got the menu pretty set now, though, and I think I have what I need to make everything.  Here's what I've come up with:

Mon - Beef & bean burritos (picnic at Michael's softball game)
Tues - Company dinner - pumpkin soup, cheese flautas, salad, apple & cranberry crumble - I'll share results if it turns out!
Wed - Homemade lasanga with ground beef, salad, bread
Thurs - Leftover lasanga
Fri - pasta or whatever! (I'll be working the consignment sale that night)
Sat - Homemade chicken soup, bread
Sun - Chicken penne Italiano, salad, bread

Mon - Quick chicken and dumplings, fruit salad
Tues - Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans
Wed - Leftover chicken and dumplings, cooked apples
Thurs - Leftover meatloaf, rice, asparagus
Sat - TBD
Sun - TBD

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