Thursday, February 25, 2010

Review & Giveaway: General Mills Retro Cereals 4

This giveaway is now closed - winner to be announced shortly!

Yuuummmm.  Today in my series of reviews/giveaways this week of General Mills Retro Cereal Boxes we're highlighting Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  Okay, I admit it. When we received the cereal pack from General Mills, I actually ate the whole box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch myself!

Cinnamon Toast Crunch was introduced in 1985, and yes, I was alive for this one! In 1985 Super Mario Brothers was introduced, and Cabbage Patch dolls were big (I remember those!).  Ronald Reagan started his second term as president and the Cold War was still going on.

My mom used to get this cereal very occasionally as a treat, but then I had to fight all my brothers and sisters for it!  I don't remember sending away for the Cinnamon Toast flyer toy, but I do remember sending for toys on the back of cereal boxes.  There was the excitement of collecting enough proofs-of-purchase, and then the long wait until the item arrived.  I think at one point my younger brothers were trying to collect a whole series of some Star Wars dishes or something . . . they ate a lot of cereal to get those!

Want to win a retro cereal gift pack, featuring all five cereals, a retro-designed t-shirt, and a $10 Target gift card?

To enter, leave a comment below telling us if you remember when Cinnamon Toast first came in a bowl.  Did you every send away for the famous Flyer?  How many of those did you collect as a child and play with your friends?

You must do the above to enter.  After your initial entry, you may gain up to 3 additional entries by doing any of the following:
1) Follow Frugally Blonde by rss feed.
2) Follow Frugally Blonde by email
3) Follow Frugally Blonde on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway.

Please leave a separate comment for each entry.  I will pick the winners from each days' contest by random number generator at the end of the week.

(You can also enter the giveaways from earlier in the week here, here, and here.)

Also, remember that all five retro cereal boxes are available at Target until March 7!

I was provided with the above listed cereal gift pack from General Mills in exchange for this review, and the giveaway prizes are provided by General Mills.  I was not compensated in any other way, and the opinions are my own.


  1. I LOVE Cinnamon Toast Crunch and remember when it was first introduced. We never did the back of the cereal box deals, and my mom rarely bought cereals like this, but we loved it when she did!

  2. I follow you by rss feed. Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  3. Cinnamon Toast Crunch is Pat's favorite (and Marie's too) and I do buy it when it is on sale or I have a coupon ;) I don't remember when it first came out since I would have only been a baby, and obviously never sent away for the famous flyer. My grandfather would buy this cereal for us as a treat when we stayed over; I rarely remember my mom buying us anything too sugary!

  4. Oops! I meant to say I subscribe via email, not rss feed...can you delete my last comment?

  5. I don't remember when it came in a bowl. I was 6 years old. I don't remember sending away for the flyers.

  6. I remember when Cinnamon Toast Crunch first came out. My son liked them. We never did send away for the flyers

  7. follow on twitter and tweet

  8. Hubby likes Cinnamon Toast yet we never sent away for the flyer though.

  9. Email subscriber.

    tcarolinep at gmail dot com

  10. @tcarolinep follower

  11. I remember when this cereal first appeared in our shops and my boys loved it! We never did send away for any of the flyers though.
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

  12. I subscribe to your RSS feed.
    proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

  13. I'm also an email subscriber!
    proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

  14. No, I actually don't remember when Cinnamon Toast first came in a bowl. Our family didn't eat cereal very much, so my first real introduction to it came in college - and I really do love it now! :)


  15. I'm a follower via Google Reader.


  16. I'm following you on Twitter and tweeted:


  17. I don't remember when it first came out, but it's scrumptious!

  18. Unfortunetly I didn't have this growing up. We were a struggling family of 6 and didn't get much more than Quaker Oats. Never had the priveledge to send away for things either. P.S. your daughters are beautiful1!

  19. Email subscriber! epblack@zoominternet(dot)net

  20. Twitter follower and tweeting:

  21. My mother did not buy Cinnamon Toast Crunch, so I do not remember when it came out. We did not collect or play with friends.

    denise_22315 at yahoo dot com

  22. I subscribe via reader.

    denise_22315 at yahoo dot com

  23. I follow you and tweeted.

    denise_22315 at yahoo dot com

  24. I subscribe to the email newsletter

  25. I dont remember it being in a bowl, but I do remember the commercials.

  26. I LOVE Cinnamon Toast Crunch! To be honest with you, I have no idea what the famous Flyer is/was and 1st came in a bowl(?). (Sorry! - I must be a little too young for this one) Thanks for the chance!
    Kelly Deaton - secrets_girl23(at)yahoo(dot)com (aka) dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com

  27. I follow via RSS feed. (google)
    Kelly Deaton - secrets_girl23(at)yahoo(dot)com (aka) dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com

  28. I follow via email.
    Kelly Deaton - secrets_girl23(at)yahoo(dot)com (aka) dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com

  29. I follow you on twitter (dkad23) and tweeted.
    Kelly Deaton - secrets_girl23(at)yahoo(dot)com (aka) dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com

  30. Cinnamon Toast Crunch has always been one of those 'treat' cereals. However, I remember nothing about its origins but I did enjoy sending away for stuff.

  31. Gotta admit that I never sent away for the Flyer. In 1985 I was 24 and Newly married without children and I just did not feel the need for a Flyer at that time.
    I do, however , remember when Cinnamon Toast Crunch first came out. I would happily serve it on those days that I was too busy, tired, or lazy to make real Cinnamon Toast!

  32. I am a Frugally Blonde email subscriber.

  33. I dont remember when it came out exactly but I do remember I had to try it right away. It's still delicious. No, never got the flyer.

  34. follow and tweet

  35. I remember eating Cinnamon Toast as a kid. Didn't get it often, but thought it was a treat!

  36. i remember eating Cinnamon Toast crunch - don't remember any flyers


  37. i subscribe to your feed via my google reader


  38. i'm an email subscriber


  39. following & tweeted!



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