Saturday, February 13, 2010

Weekly Shopping Wrap-Up

This week I sent my husband to Wegmans on Monday night for a few essentials before the second big snowfall in as many weeks, and I also ventured out on Tuesday morning for a couple of deals at Target and CVS.  I had some cause to regret my Tuesday morning trip; the roads were so bad that I got stuck briefly in the middle of a intersection!  But with a few prayers and much squealing of tires, we made it out and all's well that end's well.

My best deal this week was probably the Quaker deal at Target (which runs through today).  Here's what I bought:

3 Quaker Instant Oatmeal 10-packs @ $2.54 each
2 Quaker True Delights Granola Bars @ $2.89 each
Used 3 printable $1.00/1 Quaker oatmeal coupons
Used 1 $.75/1 Quaker oatmeal Target coupon from a mailer
Used 1 $1.00/2 Quaker True delights printable coupons
Total: $8.65
Used $5 gift card from previous deal
Total spent OOP: $3.65 (or .73 per item)
And received $5 gift card for next time!

Here are my shopping totals for the week:

Wegmans - $23.02
CVS -$1.02
Target - $14.58

Total this week: $38.62

Total this month: $178
Total remaining: $137 (for budget of $315), $122 (for goal of $300)

I'm excited because I think that should pretty easily be able to hit my target budget this month.  Whoopie!  It's nice that February is a short month.

You can see others' shopping totals this week at Super Savings Saturday.

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