Friday, July 2, 2010

Vacation Time!

This is just to let you all know that I'll be leaving tomorrow for a week-long beach vacation with my family.  The following week, the girls and I will be staying at my parents' home for an additional week of relaxation and family time.  I'm very excited to have some time to slow down, as well as a change of scene and extra help with the girls before the baby comes.  When I get back I'll have only about six weeks of pregnancy left!

What you can expect here: I'll still be checking the blog periodically, but my posting will be lighter than usual.  I DO still plan to run the Wegmans deals both Tuesdays.

However, please continue to visit here both weeks, because I have some awesome guest posts lined up for you to read!  I am very excited to share the posts from some great ladies, including a couple dealing with sewing (an area where I personally have no expertise), a gardening post, some great snack recipes, a couple of fresh perspectives on saving money, and a really adorable frugal craft idea!

As always, thanks a lot for reading Frugally Blonde.

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