Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Great Deals Roundup

Great deals for your week, from the blogosphere and beyond . . .
Harris Teeter Super Doubles start tomorrow!  It's the beginning of the month, and I'm ready to stock up on some good deals!  Southern Savers already has some of the deals, and she'll probably have the weekly deal matchups up sometime today.

For election day today, California Tortilla is giving out a free taco to people wearing their "I voted" sticker.  Laura also has the lowdown on a few other voting freebies here.

There's a good Mamapedia deal today: $20 worth of merchandise at Lone Star Baby (an online store) for $10.  I checked out Lone Star Baby, and not only do they have a ton of baby items in all brands, but they also have a large clearance section.  I saw several Christmas gift ideas in the "Klearance Kloset" gifts section.  This would also be a good deal if you just need a couple of random baby items . . . more pacifiers, snack cups, etc.  This Safety 1st Bath Center is just is 40% off at just $12.23!

You may be able to get Lane Bryant clothing items for as low as $4.19 shipped today!  Money Saving Mom has the details.

As November begins, strores are gearing up for their holiday promotions.  In preparation, Ebates is now offering double cash back at a number of popular stores, including Barnes and Noble (8%), LandsEnd (6%), and Snapfish (11.5% - Hello, Christmas cards!).  If you haven't signed up for Ebates yet, now is the time to do it, so that you can get a little cash back on all your holiday purchases.  You can read my introduction to using Ebates here.

What other great deals do you see this week?

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which help support this site.

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