Monday, January 31, 2011

Menu Plan This Week: Another Icy Week

Another week of ice and freezing rain is forecast here, so I have a feeling I'll be doing a lot of staying inside.  That's good, because I'd really like to do some real freezer cooking for February the end of this week and stock us up with baked goods and some dinners for a while. 

I did stock us up on groceries this weekend, while I could go by myself.  I didn't see myself going out shopping at night when ice is in the forecast!

My menu plan changed somewhat last week, so some of the ideas from last week are on this week's schedule:

cereal w. milk

Leftover lasanga
Tomato soup and salami sandwiches (x2)
Black beans and tortilla chips

Mon - Baked chicken fingers w. marinara, carrot sticks, bread
Tues - Leftover pot roast, Barley Bake, green beans
Wed - Chicken tacos w. refried beans, corn, fruit
Thurs - Ham Pasta Primavera, bread
Fri - Black bean quesadillas corn, fruit
Sat - Leftovers
Sun - Frozen ham and bean soup, bread

Check out more menu plans at Org Junkie.

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