Thursday, January 6, 2011

Target Christmas Clearance

Get thee to a Target!

Last night I was finally feeling well enough get out to try to score a few deals on the after Christmas sales, and boy did I go at the right time!  Tuesday, when my husband picked up my prescription, he said that the Christmas section at our Target was at 75% off.  However, when I went last night, it had gone to 90% off!!!

It's always a surprise what you find at 90% off - some stuff they can hardly give away and some stuff that you're surprised didn't sell earlier.  This year I found a lot of decor items.  I got fun hanging paper decorations for next year, a tree topper for our tree (which we've never had), tinsel, and ornament hooks.  I also found several little Christmas cookie and candy kits which will be fun to whip up with the kids in the next few days, since we still have a couple of holiday parties to attend.

I was a little disappointed not to find more stocking stuffers and wrapping items, as I have in past years, but that's how it goes!  I still will be combing other stores in the next few weeks for Christmas items at rock-bottom prices.

But Christmas decor is not your only reason to get to Target.  I seriously saw clearance tags all over the store!  Glade candles in holiday scents were 50% off; baby holiday wear was 75% off.  I got a box of Christmas Captain Crunch for a fun breakfast for $1.25 (would be even better with a coupon).  One big clearance section I am watching is toys.  My store had multiple aisles of toys for 30% off, which is a great deal if you have upcoming birthdays.  However, I am watching for 70% off, which should happen in the next couple of weeks.  I have scored some terrific toy deals at 70% off, but you have to come at the right time.

Have you been to Target lately?  Have you scored any other great Christmas clearance deals?


  1. Hi Liz! I scored some absolutely awesome deals at the mall tonight. Hallmark had their Christmas decor, cards and wrapping paper marked down to 75% off. I hit the Bath and Body Works sale, too. But the real winner of the evening was Williams Sonoma. They had a sale table in the rear of the store and I found their $26 holiday candy surprise balls on sale for $2! You would have been proud - I scored $167 worth of merchandise for $33 tonight.

  2. Target had so, so much left the Sunday after Christmas, but it was only 50% off at that time. I picked up a few rolls of paper that had caught my eye that I refused to pay full price for.

    I got some fabulous deals at Bloom last weekend. They had their Christmas flowers, ferns, and cacti marked down to $0.50 each and their gift baskets were $1.00.


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