Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Harris Teeter General Mills Scenario

As you may know, Harris Teeter Super Double coupons started today, and boy are the deals rockin!

I'll share more details about my trip later (and a lesson on the importance of checking your receipt), but right now I wanted to go ahead and share a scenario for the General Mills promotion that is running.  I couldn't find a specific scenario on any other blogs, so I had to create my own.

The offer is this: Buy any 20 participating General Mills products using your VIC card, save $6 instantly.  This doesn't sound so great up front, but all the items are on good sales.  The sale prices combined with the super double coupons make for some great deals.

This scenario I obviously made up for my needs, and it is not necessarily the least money out of pocket.  However, it also does not require endless multiples of coupon inserts; only one or two per item.

Here's what I planned:

2 Cinnamon Burst Cheerios @ $2.00 each
2 Golden Grahams @ $2.00 each
1 Multigrain Cheerios @ $2.50
3 Yo-Plus yogurts @ $1.50 each
4 Progresso soup @ $1.39 each
8 Green Giant frozen vegetables @ $1.00 each
Total price: $28.56
Use the following coupons:
(2) $75/1 Cinnamon Burst Cheerios printables
(2) $.75/1 Golden Grahams printables
(1) $.75/1 Multigrain Cheerios printable
(3) $.50/1 Yo-Plus yogurt from recent GM inserts
(1) $1.00/4 Progresso soup from 2/13 GM insert
(2) $.50/1 GG vegetables printable
(2) $.60/3 GG vegetables from 2/13 GM insert
Total after coupons: $11.66
PLUS extra $6 off
= $5.66 OOP for 20 items!

(Hat tip to Southern Savers for some of the initial matchups.  I always use her extensive lists as a starting point for Harris Teeter.)

Of course, if you have more copies of certain coupons, you could make this deal even better.  The best deals here are the Green Giant vegetables with the printable coupons (FREE), the Yo-Plus ($.50) and the Cinnamon Burst Cheerios and Golden Grahams ($.50).  Of course, also take extra coupons in case you have to make substitutions for out-of-stock items.

Hope that's helpful!  I'll share more details of my Harris Teeter trip later.  I have a feeling I will be making several trips this week!


  1. Thanks so much for this! Is there a list somewhere of the participating products?

  2. Abby, I'm not sure if I saw a blog that has all the products listed. Check one of the blogs I list in my post about the HT matchups. Otherwise, they are clearly listed in the HT ad, which is probably online.


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