Monday, July 25, 2011

Menu Plan - Grilled Feast!

This weekend we grilled a huge feast of chicken, Italian sausage, potatoes, green beans, peppers, and onions.  Really, you can grill anything!  My husband has gained a lot of grilling expertise over the past few years, and everything this time turned out extremely well.  This food will feed us for the entire week - yay for having all my dinner preparation already completed!

Here's my plan for the week:

Cereal and milk
Chocolate zucchini bread
Homemade breakfast burritos (from the freezer)

Salami sandwiches
Cheese and crackers
Homemade pizza (having a friend over)

Mon - Grilled Italian sausage subs with peppers and onions, 
Tues - Chicken pasta primavera
Wed - Leftover grilled chicken, potatoes, vegetable
Thurs - Easter meat pie - I have ricotta to use up
Fri - Baked tilapia, mashed potatoes, veggies from the farm
Sat - My sister's birthday part - bringing cake
Sun - TBD

See more menu plans at Menu Planning Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, this wonderful and waiting for few more..keep them coming!
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