Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wegmans Deals: 9/25-10/1

Go here to see the list of the 40 staple items that Wegmans has pledged to keep at the same low prices through the end of the year.  

New Deals:

Wegmans All Purpose Flour (5 lbs.) - $.99

Wegmans Granulated Sugar (5 lbs.) - $2.49

Wegmans Brown Sugar (32 oz.) - $1.29

Wegmans Confectioners' Sugar (32 oz.) - $1.29

Nestle Toll House Morsels - $1.99
User $.50/1 coupons here or $.50/1 from 8/21 SS insert (if included) or $1.00/2 here
Final Price: $.99- $1.49

Keebler Townhouse Crackers (16 oz.) - $1.99
Buy 2 and use $1.00/2 here or buy 4 and use $1.00/4 here
Final Price: $1.49-$1.74 each

Goya Canned Black Beans, Premium (15.5 oz.) - $.79
Buy 5 and use $1.00/5 coupon here
Final Price: $.59 each

Aquafresh Toothpaste (3.5 oz.) - $.69

Dial Deodorant Soap (6.4 oz.) - $.69

Ongoing Deals:

Produce -
Plums or Nectarines (2 lb. bag) - $1.99
Wegmans Gala Apple Tote - $.89/lb.
Wegmans US #1 White Potatoes (5 lb. bag) - $2.49

Grocery -
Mom's Best Better Oats Hot Cereal (7.55 oz.) - $1.99
Use $.75/1 printable coupon (doubled)
Final Price: $.50
Hunt's Tomato Sauce (8 oz.) - $.33
Hunt's Tomato Paste - $.50
Wegmans Macaroni and Cheese Dinner (6 oz.) - $.33
Barbara's Puffins Cereal - $2.50
Use $1.00/1 coupon here or here (will print instantly)
Final Price: $1.50
French's Worcestershire Sauce (10 fl. oz.) - $1.49
Use $.75/1 from 8/21 SS insert (doubled)
Final Price: as low as FREE
Kellogg's Raisin Bran Cereal - $2.50
Buy 2 and use $1.00/2 printable coupon
Final Price: $2.00 each
Wegmans FYFGA Super Pasta (14.5 oz.) - $1.99
Use $1.00/1 coupon from table in pharmacy
Final Price: $.99
Keebler Sandwich Crackers - $1.99 (through 10/01)
Use $.75/1 or buy 2 and use $.75/2 from 7/24 SS insert (coupon varies) (doubled)
Final Price: $.49-$1.24 each
Fiber One Chewy Bars (7 oz.) - $2.50
Use $.40/1 coupon from 7/17 SS insert or 9/11 GM insert (upcoming) (doubled)
Final Price: $1.70
Fiber One 90 Calorie Brownies (5.34 oz.) - $2.50
Use $.75/1 from 7/17 SS insert or here or $.60/1 here or $.50/1 here
Final Price: $1.00-$1.50 each
Betty Crocker Cookie Mix (17.5 oz.) - $2.19
Use $.40/1 coupon from 8/7 GM insert or printable herehere, or here
Final Price: $1.39
Dole Real Fruit Bites (4.5 oz.) - $2.99
Use $1.00/1 from Jan or Sept. All You Magazine
Final Price: $1.99

Big G Cereals (including Count Chocula, Boo-Berry, Cookie Crisp, Lucky Charms, etc.) - $2.50
Use $1.00/2 coupon here
Final Price: $2.00
Keebler Mint Creme Middles Cookies - $1.99
Use $.55/1 coupon from 9/18 SS insert (doubled)
Final Price: $.89
Domino Sugar (5 lbs.) - $2.99
Use $.50/1 coupon from 6/26 RP insert (doubled)
Final Price: $1.99
Wegmans Soup, Condensed, Tomato or Chicken Noodle (10.75 oz.) - $.50
Wegmans Italian Classics Pasta (16 oz.) - $1.50
Use $1.00/2 coupon from Wegmans mailer
Final Price: $1.00

Wegmans Tomatoes, Puree or Crushed (28 oz.) - $.79
Campbell's Chunky Healthy Request Soup - $1.39
Use various printable coupons here or $1.00/4 from 8/14 SS insert or $.50/4 from 9/11 SS insert
As low as $.89 each

Dairy/Meat -
Bar-S Jumbo Franks (16 oz.) - $.99
Buy 2 and use $1.00/2 printable coupon
Final Price: $.49 each
Oscar Mayer Classic Weiners (16 oz.) - $1.50
Wegmans Drinks (64 oz. Fruit Punch, Lemonade, or Limeade) - $.99
Lunchables Lunch Combinations - $1.29

Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice (28 oz.) - $3.99
Use $1.00/1 coupon from Sept. All You Magazine
Final Price: $2.99

Frozen -
Wegmans Ice Cream (48 fl. oz) - $2.39
Eggo Waffles - $1.99
Use $1.00/2 from 8/7 RP insert
Final Price: $1.49 each
Yoplait Trix or Splitz Yogurt - $1.99
Buy 2 and use $.75/2 coupon hereherehere, or  here or from 9/11 GM insert (doubled)
Final Price: $1.24 each

Paper/Cleaning -
Wegmans Facial Tissue (3 pack, 480 ct., 2 ply) - $2.37
Wegmans Paper Towel 12 Roll Club Pack (equal to 20 regular rolls, choose-a-size sheets) - $11.99

Personal Care -
Oral-B Dental Floss - $.69
Oral-B Advantage Glide Toothbrush (2 pack) - $1.50
TopCare Children's Ibuprofen (2 pack) - $4.99
Suave Naturals Shampoo - $.77
Bic Salon Shavers (6 ct.) - $.69
Wegmans Supreme Diapers, size 3-6 (box, count varies) - $12.99
Use $8.00/1 coupon from in-store coupon flier
Final Price: $4.99
Carefree Body Shape Pantiliners, To Go, Regular (20 ct.) - $1.09
Use $.50/1 coupon from 8/21 SS insert (doubled)
Final Price: $.09 each
Band-Aid Adhesive Bandages (various characters, varied sizes, 20-25 ct.) - $1.50
Use $.50/1 coupon from 7/31 SS insert (doubled)
Final Price: $.50
Always Pantiliners (20 ct.) - $.69

My Wegmans deals are based on the Sterling/Leesburg, VA sales ad and deals that I find in the Leesburg store.

With thanks to the coupon database at Money Saving Mom for help in compiling this.

My coupon matchups reflect my store's policy of doubling coupons up to $.99, but Wegmans' coupon policies vary by store. Find the policy at your store here.

This post contains affiliate links, which help support this site. 


  1. Lipton tea 12-packs are $4.99, and there is a coupon for $2/2 here, making them only $4 or .33 a bottle! Nice!

  2. Thanks so much! I'm headed to Fairfax for a couple weeks of business travel and usually stay at an apartment hotel so I can have a kitchen. I usually hit Wegman's, but my usual coupon site doesn't cover them. I'll be back over the next few weeks to check in!


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