Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wegmans Fall/Holiday Baking Sales

I listed these deals in my regular Wegmans post, but I wanted to specifically point them out as well.  I am excited to report that Wegmans has once again reduced prices on basic baking items in preparation for the fall/holiday baking season.  These prices are almost definitely the lowest you will find all year, at Wegmans or anywhere else, and they should be all good through December 31.  The sale prices are as follows:

Wegmans All Purpose Flour (5 lbs.) - $.99

Wegmans Granulated Sugar (5 lbs.) - $2.49

Wegmans Brown Sugar (32 oz.) - $1.29

Wegmans Confectioners' Sugar (32 oz.) - $1.29

Nestle Toll House Morsels - $1.99
User $.50/1 coupons here or $.50/1 from 8/21 SS insert (if included) or $1.00/2 here
Final Price: $.99- $1.49

I regularly use all the Wegmans brand sugar and flour items with great success.  Over the next three months, I will plan to stock up on at least all the all purpose flour I will need for the rest of the year.  (This as not as much flour as it might seem, since I use a lot of bread flour and whole wheat flour as well.)  I will probably purchase around eight bags.

Note that you can actually get a better deal on Domino granulated sugar at Wegmans right now if you have the coupon.  I think I have two or three coupons, so I will purchase Domino first, and then maybe a couple of Wegmans brand sugars.  Brown sugar is a little trickier, since it tends to get hard if I stock up.  I'll probably just get a few of those for holiday baking.

Are you getting ready for fall baking?

1 comment:

  1. I have found that if you store brown sugar in an air-tight container, it does not get hard! I tend to buy a LOT of it for holiday baking, too ~ and I always buy it when I see it for $1 or less! They also sell cute little terra cotta brown sugar savers in a bevy of shapes/designs ~ but, I think those are meant to use after you open a bag/box! Good luck and thanks for all your great info/posts! =)


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