love Wegmans' new shopping carts. There is room for two children in the seat, and they have these nifty retractable seat belts. With both my little ones restrained it sure is easier to bargain shop!
Plus, they look really cute up there together.

You can check out my Wegmans deals for the week
I have a 3 year old and 1 1/2 year old and I like how my kids can sit side by side in the new carts too. I think the retractable belts are so much better than normal belts on shopping carts because they seem to keep my youngest in his seat restrained better and I don't have to fiddle with trying to adjust with the old fashion buckle style belt. I am still getting use to the size of the cart, it seems a little larger, and being able to see over both kids and being careful as to not to hit anything with the front of the cart! lol. Anyway, I just want to say I love your blog and visit all of the time and thank you for posting the Wegmans deals each week.