Thursday, October 7, 2010

Frugal Fall Display

Autumn is my very favorite time of year, so I really wanted to dress up the outside of our house a bit for the season.  Also, all my summer flowers in pots dried up during our extended hospital stay, so the porch was not looking too good!  Time and money are both in extremely short supply these days, but I was able to come up with a little something:

I bought the mums at Walmart.  The larger pot was $2.50.  The smaller pots were on clearance for just $.25 each!  I had learned about discount plants from Lacy's guest post this summer, so when I saw the rack of mostly dried-up pots, I took a second look.  Sure enough, there were a couple of pots that looked significantly better than the others.  They were still a little wilted and brown, but from a distance, you can hardly notice.

The scarecrow was from the dollar store.  I love my new expanded Dollar Tree!

Total spent on my porch display: $4.00.

Check out Frugal Fridays at Life as Mom and Mrs. Moneysaver for more frugal ideas!


  1. Simple is best!

    I am stopping by from Frugal Friday over at Life as Mom. Hope you'll visit Free 2 Be Frugal sometime.

  2. I just found your blog from the Relevant attendee list, right below my name--and a fellow Northern Virginia blogger! The Wegmans match up caught my eye since I shop there weekly.

    I look forward to reading more and meeting your at Relevant.


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