Monday, January 17, 2011

Menu Plan

Can you tell I'm finishing up a big ham this week?  I got a ham for $1.99/lb. at Wegmans last week and cooked it for my husband's birthday.  I think the hams were discounted as Christmas clearance, but they were good until March!

Here's what we're eating this week.  I'm noticing that my freezer's pretty bare.  In a couple of weeks I'm hoping to do a big freezer cooking day, which I have not been able to do it quite a while.  But for now, I'm making do and living from week to week.

English muffins
banana bread
salami sandwiches and tomato soup
peanut butter

apples and oranges
Teddy Grahams
bread w. olives spreads (leftover from party)

Mon - Ham, mashed potatoes, applesauce, corn
Tues - Slow cooker beef with red sauce, salad
Wed - Ham and bean soup, homemade bread
Thurs - Breakfast for dinner: Ham and cheese fritatta, Pumpkin-pecan pancakes (from WS mix)
Fri - Pasta with green beans and ricotta (based on this recipe), salad, bread
Sat - Leftovers
Sun - Baked chicken fingers, fries, fruit salad

Check out more menu plans at OrgJunkie.

1 comment:

  1. Great minds think alike! I'm using a Christmas clearance ham this week, too. Got mine for $1.79 a pound at Albertson's. Enjoyed your blog, please visit mine if you get the chance.


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