Monday, August 1, 2011

Menu Plan - 1st Week of August

Another week, another menu.  I have been trying to get our schedule a little more organized, which includes a more organized menu plan and shopping list.  My oldest starts kindergarten in a few weeks (sniff!), and I want to have the household running smoothly when we start that big change in our lives.

We're continuing to use our summer CSA produce.  It's pretty easy to use these days.  Corn on the cob, peaches, fresh green beans - they all are easy to prepare and taste great with grilled meat or any other easy summer supper.

Here's our menu for this week:

Breakfast burritos
Chocolate beet bread (trying the zucchini bread I made with beets)
Cereal and milk
English muffins

Lunches (all with fruit - watermelon, peaches, etc.)   
Salami sandwiches
Mini pizzas
Black beans and rice w. homemade salsa and chips
Leftover chicken soup

Mon - Chicken soup, bread
Tues - Calzones filled with ricotta and Italian sausage, salad
Wed - Grilling - hamburgers, hot dogs corn on the cob, french fries
Thurs - Leftover grilled food
Fri - At home date night - mini pizzas for kids, takeout for us
Sat - Nachoes supreme w. black beans, corn, fresh tomatoes, etc.
Sun - Ham and cheese pasta, green beans, bread

Homemade salsa and corn chips
Cheese crackers (on sale at Safeway)
Goldfish grahams (using coupon)

See more great menus at Menu Planning Mondays.

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