Friday, April 9, 2010

And Speaking of Pictures of Daffodils . . .

I love daffodils!!!  They are so bright and cheery, yet so fragile.  They just say "spring" to me!  They also happen to be the first flowers my husband ever bought me. :-)

This is a picture of my mantel decoration for Easter.  As you can see, it is very, very simple, but I think it looked festive.  I have found that a great way to extend the money you pay for fresh flowers is to spread the bouquet out in a variety of vases and then to group them over an area.  It makes a big impact for little money; this was just $6 worth of daffodils from Wegmans.

The eggs are my Pisanki, of which I was so proud that I had to continue showing them off.

I opted for fresh flowers as my main decorations this Easter, since I don't have a lot of reusable Easter or spring decorations.  Maybe I'll pick some up on clearance sales in the next few weeks, but in general, nothing can beat fresh flowers.

I am sharing this as part of the The Nester's Mantel Party.  Check it out for many beautiful, creative ideas.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful display of your daffodils. We have fields of them growing wild. I love when the come up. Adds color to the fields and I know spring is coming


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