Saturday, October 30, 2010 Groupon!

There's a great Groupon today for $10 off a $20 voucher to!  Head over to the site and choose "Washington, DC" as your city, but since it is an online deal anyone should be able to get it. is the new sister of the popular, and it carries all your basic cleaning, paper, and personal hygiene products.  Looking over the site, the prices seem simliar to or slightly higher than the regular prices in stores, but they do have daily deals.  And the Groupon would in effect make everything you buy half price, plus shipping is included! I think I'm going to purchase this one today to stock up on a few items that I don't always get on an amazing deals.

This Groupon can be redeemed starting 11/3, and it is limited to one per household. It is not valid on the "household products" section.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Cinderella's Carriage Jack O'Lantern

I do not claim ANY credit for this, except for a bit of the inspiration. It was a moment of, "that would be so neat if I had the time and energy," and my sister-in-law came through with the execution. Needless to say, my girls were thrilled with their project!

This post is linked to Frugal Fridays and Finer Things Fridays.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Review and Giveaway: Pear Budget

I am so excited to introduce to you a great budgeting tool that I use to track my own spending: Pear Budget.  Pear Budget is an online budgeting program that enables you to plan your budget, organize your receipts, and see your spending at a glance.  It's as if you spent hours creating a super-detailed Excel spreadsheet, except that you didn't have to do that.  Instead, you pay just $3/month, and you have access to records of all your spending at a glance.  I normally hate paying for things that it seems like I could do myself, but I have found this to be 100% worth it for the better track I keep of our finances.

To get started with Pear Budget, you simply plan your spending, entering budgeted amounts into the pre-selected or custom categories.  You can make each category either a monthly or an irregular expense.  Monthly expenses are for bills that tend to be the same each month, whereas irregular expenses are the ones that you don't pay every month or which vary each month.  For the irregular expenses, you can put aside a certain amount each month, and the program tracks how much you have saved up in that category. 

You can change your budgeted amounts each month or at any time during a month.

After you have your budget set, you start to enter your receipts.  Entering a receipt is a simple matter of putting in the date, amount, category, and an optional note or tag.  I do this with with keyboard shortcuts without even touching my mouse, and it takes only a couple of seconds to enter each receipt.  I try to enter my receipts every week or so, and I try to enter online orders and bills as soon as I pay them.  You can also set up automatic recurring receipts for monthly bills which never change, like your mortgage.

Once you have entered your receipts into the program, you can see all your spending at a glance.  There are a number of different ways to view it, including by month, by category, by receipts, and even the year in review (which gives a helpful average for each category). 

I find Pear Budget to be a great program for my needs for several reasons.  It is very simple and streamlined, so it is easy and unintimidating to start and maintain.  Further, while there are other online programs which automatically track your spending, my husband prefers us not to link up our accounts.  Manually entering receipts also has the advantage of making it easy for me to make sure each receipt is in the correct category - I often break up totals if they fall into more than one category.

I like Pear Budget so much that I contacted them to see if they would like to partner with me for the Relevant Conference.  They agreed to give me two six-month memberships to give away to bloggers at the conference!  If you gave me your business card at Relevant, you were entered!  And the two winners (chosen by mixing up all the cards in my daughter's Halloween firefighter hat and randomly drawing two) are:

Lisa of Simplified Saving
Mitzi of Mitzi Eaker

I am notifiying the winners by email.

And even if you were not a blogger at the conference, you still have a chance to try Pear Budget for FREE!  Pear Budget is giving away one year-long membership to a Frugally Blonde reader!

To enter, please just leave a comment on this post saying what is your favorite feature of Pear BudgetYou must answer this question to enter.  Please include your email in your comment if it is not available in your profile. For extra entries, you may do any or all of the following, for a maximum of 4 entries in total (please leave a separate comment for each):

1) Follow Frugally Blonde by rss feed.
2) Follow Frugally Blonde by email
3) Follow Frugally Blonde on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway. (Leave a link to your tweet.) This may only be done once; no daily tweets.

The contest ends on Thursday, November 11, at midnight. The contest is open to residents of the US only, and the winner must provide a valid mailing address (no PO boxes).  I will choose the winner randomly and notify him or her by email, and he or she will have 72 hours to respond.  Good luck!
The prizes were provided by Pear Budget, who also comped my membership as a thanks for spreading the word about their program.  I received no other compensation for this reveiw, and the opinions are my own.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Best Bloom Deals: 10/27-11/2

Thanks to Sarah at Capitally Frugal for the best Bloom deals each week.

Bloom will be doubling coupons up to $1.99 face value on Monday, November 1st.
Crest Toothpaste - $1.75
Use $0.75/1*, found in 10/10 PG
$0.25 after coupon

7Up, 2 liter - $0.99
Use B1G1 coupon, found in 9/19 SS
$0.49/ea when you buy 2

Farm Rich Value Pack Snacks - B1G1
Use (2) $0.75/1*, found in 8/29 SS
$2.24/ea when you buy 2
Kingsford Charcoal - $5.99
Use $2.50/1 (when you buy meat), found in 9/26 SS
$3.45 (when you buy meat)

Sea Pak Shrimp - B1G1
Use (2) $1.00/1**, found in 10/3 SS
As low as $2.24/ea when you buy 2 (on 11/1)

See the complete list of deals at Bloom here.

Great Deals Roundup

Amazon has a bunch of magazine subscriptions for just $6.99 this week!  Choose among Good Housekeeping, Country Living, House Beautiful, and others.  Magazine subscriptions usually take a number of weeks to start arriving, so these would make good Christmas gifts.  Note that these subscriptions come with Amazon's auto-renewal, but it is easy to cancel.

Speaking of Amazon, the smoking diaper deals are back!  Right now they have an extra 15% off certain diapers when you sign up for Subscribe and Save.  Add that to your 30% Amazon Mom discount and your 20% off code from Parents or Parenting the Early Years magazine, and you've got some great deals!  MoneySavingMom has a great scenario for Pampers Swaddlers here. has another good deal going on:
Save 80% off $25 Gift Certificates + FREE $20 Mrs. Fields GWP! Use code TREAT at checkout now through 10/31/10.
I've never done one of the deals where you get a free gift card - 80% off plus the gift card sounds pretty unbeatable!  As always, read the fine print for each restaurant you buy and you should have a good experience.

Do you still need to buy Halloween Candy this week?  These coupons are currently on
- $2.00 off ONE (1) Nestle Candy Variety Bag
- $1.50 off ONE (1) Wonka Mixups
- $2.00 off ONE (1) Wonka® Best on the Block
- $2.50 off TWO (2) Nestle Candy Variety Bags
- $1.50 off any THREE (3) bags Skittles, Starburst, Lifesavers
Most stores have their Halloween candy on some sort of sale, so you should be able to get a decent deal with the coupons.

Also, if you can get to the store the day after Halloween, start looking for discount candy.  Sometimes you can find 50% off candy (which could easily be used for other holidays and events), and if any of your candy coupons expire after the 31st, you could be gold!  However, in my experience the discount candy goes very quickly, so you have to check it out right after the holiday.

This post contains affiliate links, which help support this site.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Relevant Reflections

I had such a wonderful time at the Relevant Conference this past weekend, and there is so much to share.  Now that I'm back to the daily craziness it's hard to remember everything I heard and learned and thought, but I really want to get something out there.

It was a wonderful weekend of fellowship with other Christian women who also blog.  The topics of these women's blogs range from saving money to homeschooling to home decorating to many other topics, but we were all united by our faith.
Much of the time was spent discussing balancing blogging with your "real life," especially not neglecting God and your family for your blogging.  While of course I know I have fallen into this sometimes (see: checking the computer every time I go by), it's actually not been the main problem I have been struggling with.  (Three children under five have a way of grabbing your attention whether you plan it or not!)  Instead, I have more been looking to find enough time for blogging!

However, I think these talks were still something I needed to hear.  I return greatly inspired to reorganize my life with my priorities in their proper order.  Crystal used the old analogy of "putting in the big rocks first."  If you start out with the unimportant things, you have no time for the important ones.  However, if you put the truly important things ahead of everything else, there often turns out to be time for the lesser ones too.

I think that focusing on my true priorities will ultimately give me the time that I need for blogging, but in the end that is not the most important thing.  In the end, the conference was truly more about life than about blogging, and that's okay.  After all, life is what makes blogging interesting and makes people want to read blogs.

I also returned with lots of ideas how to improve this blog, both for you readers and as a way to earn some extra income for my family.  I'm hoping that some of the time management strategies I learned will help me give you a greater number of deals and money saving tips.  I plan to ask for your feedback in the coming weeks about what you would like to see here as well!

Finally, I return from Relevant '10 with everything refocused on the God for whom I ultimately do everything.  In the midst of one of the most physically challenging times in my life (i.e. learning to care for three little children and keep my sanity), God is leading me back to Him.

New Wegmans in Prince George's County!

If you are a DC-area reader near Prince George's County, Maryland, you probably already know the good news.  The newest Wegmans opened in the Woodmore Towne Centre at Glenarden on Sunday!

Having experienced a new Wegmans opening in Leesburg near me last year, I wanted to give a heads up about possible coupons for which to watch your mailbox.  For a good chunk of the first year of the Leesburg store, local residents received coupon books which included coupons for two free products each week.  Each coupon book included six weeks of coupons, and we received about four coupon books over several months.  We also received a few other random coupons, including a couple for free reusable bags.

Of course, I have no way of knowing if it will be the same for this newest store, but it would make sense if there were simliar deals.

As always, you can check my Wegmans deals each week when you shop at your new store.  While I base my deals on the Leesburg/Sterling ad, the deals seem to be similar in most stores.

Enjoy the newest Wegmans!

Wegmans Deals: 10/24-10/30

New Deals:

Hershey Snack and Fun Size Bags (10.72-11.6 oz.) - $2.50
Buy 2 and use $1.00/2 coupon from 10/17 SS insert
Final price: $2.00 each

Mars Snack and Fun Size Candy (10.23-11.6 oz.) - $2.50
Buy 3 and use $1.50/3 from 10/10 RP insert
Final Price: $2.00 each

Campbell's Chunky Soup (18.6-19 oz., excludes Chili and Full Loaded) - $1.25
Buy 2 and use $.50/2 coupon from 9/19 or 10/10 SS inserts (doubled) or various printable coupons here
Final Price: $.25-$.75 each 

Wegmans Pierogis (16 oz.) - $1.69

Wegmans 90% Lean Fresh Ground Beef (Club Pack - 6 lbs. or more) - $1.99/lb.

Ongoing Deals:

Produce -
Wegmans US #1 Russet Idaho Potatoes (5 lb. bag) - $1.99
Winter Squash - $.99/lb.
Wegmans US #1 3lb. Bagged Apples - $.2.49
California Green Seedless Grapes - $.99/lb.
US #1 NY State Apple Tote - $.89/lb.

Grocery -
Quaker Chewy Granola Bars (8.4-8.7 oz.) - $1.99
Buy 2 and use $1.00/2 coupon from 9/19 RP insert or printable
Final Price: $1.49 each
General Mills 12.8 oz. Cinnamon Toast Crunch, MultiGrain Cheerios, or 14 oz. Cheerios - $2.50
Use $.65/1 Cinnamon Toast Crunch printable coupon or buy 3 and use $1.00/3 cereal coupons herehere, here, or here
Final Price: $1.85-$2.17 each
Pacific Organic Broth (32 fl. oz. chicken or beef) - $1.99
Buy 2 and use $1.00/2 coupon printable coupon
Final Price: $1.49 each
Wegmans All Purpose Flour (5 lbs.) - $.99 (Limit 2)
Nestle Tollhouse Morsels (10-12 oz.) - $1.69 (through 01/08)
Buy 2 and use $1.00/2 printable coupon
Final Price: $1.19 each
Pillsbury Cake Mix (18.25-18.9 oz.) - $.88
Pepperidge Farm Milano Cookies (7.2-7.75 oz.) - $1.99
Use $1.00/1 printable coupon
Final Price: $.99
Thai Kitchen Rice Noodle Bowl - $1.25
Use $.50/1 printable coupon (doubled) or buy 2 and use $1.00/2 coupon from 8/29 RP insert
Final Price: $.25-$.75
Ziti, Spaghetti, or Thin Spaghetti (16 oz.) - $.69
Campbell's Chicken Noodle or Tomato Soup (10.75 oz.) - $.50
Buy 2 and use $.40/2 coupon from 8/29 SS insert (doubled)
Final Price: $.10 each
Wegmans Canned Vegetables (14.5-15.25 oz can) Cream Style Corn, Whole Kernel Corn, French Style Green Beans, or Cut Green Beans - $.39
Wegmans Tomato Sauce, Puree, or Crushed Tomatoes (28-29 oz.) - $.69
Wegmans Macaroni and Cheese Dinner (6-7.25 oz.) - $.33
Wegmans Hot Dog or Hamburger Rolls (8 ct./14 oz.) - $.99
Maxwell House Coffee (10.5-11.5 oz.) - $1.99
Buy 2 and use $1.00/2 printable coupon
Final Price: $1.49 each
Coca-Cola (2 liter) - $.99

Refrigerated -
Wegmans Gallon Milk - $1.99-$2.24
Dannon Danimals and Danonino Yogurt - $1.99 (through 10/30)
Use $1.00/1 from the 8/15 SS insert
Final Price: $.99
Yoplait Delights - $2.49 (through 10/30)
Use $.50/1 coupon from 08/08 SS insert (doubled)
Final Price: $1.49
Pillsbury Cinnamon, Danish, or Crescent Rolls (8-13.9 oz.) - $1.99
Use various coupons herehere, and here and from 10/03 GM insert
Final Price: as low as $1.50 each
Pillsbury Grands Biscuits - $1.79
Buy 2 and use $.30/2 coupon from 8/08 SS insert or printable (doubled)
Final Price: $1.49 each
Nestle Tollhouse Refrigerated Cookie Dough - $2.49 (through 10/30)
Use $1.00/1 coupon from 10/03 RP insert or buy 2 and use $1.00/2 printable coupon
Final price: $1.49-$1.99
Oscar Mayer Lunchmeat (Ham and Turkey, 10 oz.) - $2.69 (through 10/30)
Buy 2 and use $1.00/2 coupon from 9/26 SS insert or printable
Final Price: $2.19 each

Stouffer's Lean Cuisine Entrees (8-11.5 oz. select varieties) - $1.99
Buy 2 and use $1.00/2 printable coupon
Final Price: $1.49 each
Pillsbury Toaster Strudel (10-11.5 oz.) - $1.99
Buy 2 and use $.50/2 printable coupon here, here, or here (doubled)
Final Price: $1.49 each
Weight Watchers Smart Ones Entrees (8-11 oz.) - $1.99
Buy 5 and use $1.00/5 from Oct. Good Housekeeping or printable or buy 10 and use $4/10 printable coupon (fill out survey)
Final Price: $1.59-$1.79 each

Wegmans Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast (Club Pack - 5 lbs. or more) - $1.99/lb.

Paper/Toiletries/Cleaning -
Wegmans Facial Tissue (65-160 ct. cube or flat) – $.79
Wegmans 8 pk. Paper Towels or 12 pk. Bath Tissue – $4.99
Cottonelle Bath Tissue (12 pk.) - $4.99
Use $1.00/1 coupon from July All You magazine or 8/15 SS insert or $.50/1 coupon here or here (doubled)
Final Price: $3.99
Pantene Shampoo or Conditioner - $2.99
Buy 2 and use $1.00/2 coupon from 8/29 or 9/26 P&G insert
Final Price: $2.49 each
Edge or Skintimate Shave Gel (7 oz.) - $1.50
Buy 2 Edge and use BOGO printable coupon
Final Price: $.75 each
Speed Stick or Lady Speed Stick (1.8-2 oz., selected) - $.88
Speed Stick (3-3.25 oz.) or Lady Speed Stick (2.3 oz.) - $1.50
Use $1.00/2 or $.50/1 from 10/03 SS insert
Final Price: $.50-$1.00
Dynamo 2X Laundry Detergent (50 fl. oz.) - $1.99
Use $.50/1 (doubled) or $1.00/2 coupon found in some 5/23, 8/15, or 10/3 SS inserts
Final Price: $.99-$1.49
Stayfree Maxi Pads (16-24 ct., excludes Adv Pro and Dri Max) - $1.99
Use $.50/1 from 9/26 RP insert (doubled)
Final Price: $.99
V05 Shampoo or Conditioner (15 fl. oz.) - $.69
Irish Spring Deodorant Soap Bar, Original (6.4 oz.) or Lever 200 Soap Bars, Refreshing, Original - $.99
Crest Premium Toothpaste (6.2 oz.) - $1.99
Use $.75/1 from 10/10 PG insert or $.50/1 from 9/26 PG insert (doubled0
Final Price: $.99-$1.24

My Wegmans deals are based on the Sterling/Leesburg, VA sales ad and deals that I find in the Leesburg store.

With thanks to the coupon database at Mrs. Moneysaver for help in compiling this.

My store doubles coupons up to $.50, but Wegmans' coupon policies vary by store. Find the policy at your store here.

This post is part of BeCentsAble's Grocery Gathering.

This post contains affiliate links, which help support this site.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Best CVS Deals: 10/24-10/30

Thanks to Ashley at Frugal Coupon Living for the best CVS deals each week.  Go here for her complete list. 

Dove, Yardley, Lever 2000 – 1 ct or Ivory Bar Soap – 3 ct $.99

$.25 Ivory P&G 9/26
= $.74 ($.25/bar)

Oral-B SmartSeries 4000 Rechargeable Toothbrush $99.99 (get $30 ECBs) Limit 2
$10 P&G 9/26
$50 or Half Off MIR printable (look for marked boxes)
= $9.99 after ECBs!
Azo Itch Relief Cream or Wipes $6.99 (get $5 ECBs) Limit 5 – Month Long Deal
$2 printable

Glade Scented Oil Plugins Refill – 2ct $3.99
$1 printable
$1 SS 9/26
$1 October Good Housekeeping Magazine
$1 October Women’s Day Magazine
$2 September All You Magazine
B1G1 SS 9/26
= $1 – $3 each

Relevant Conference Pics!

I am so excited to share my pictures from the Relevant Conference with you all!  Here are my beautiful roommates, who drove up from Northern Virginia with me, Lacy from Catholic Icing and Laura from Frugal Friends in Northern VA.  We had so much fun together!

Here is some of the "baby brigade" - there were about 8 or so babies there and many, many pregnant mommies.  Several ladies got asked if it was a baby or a mommy convention!  This is Lacy and I with Christen from Joyful Mothering  - our babies were born just days apart!

Here is a group picture of some of the amazing speakers and organizers, in order L to R:
Courtney from Women Living Well, Kristin from We Are That Family, Kimba from A Soft Place to Land, Alyssa from Keeping the Kingdom First, Jess from Muthering Heights, Dana from Mrs. Moneysaver, Melissa from The Inspired Room, Angie from Bring the Rain, Crystal from Money Saving Mom, Sarah from Real Life Sarah, and Jen from Balancing Beauty and Bedlam.

And yes, the above is me chatting with Crystal from Money Saving Mom!!!  Meeting her was a dream come true for me, as I have read her blog nearly every day for over two years!  She was just as genuine and sweet as she comes off in her writing. 

I was also so excited to finally meet Dana from Mrs. Moneysaver.  I have corresponded by email with her for a while, and she is the one who first published my Wegmans deals.  She is also one of the organizers of the conference, who made such an incredible weekend happen.

Here are me, Dana, and Laura - hooray for Virginia frugal bloggers!

These should give you a taste of what an amazing weekend it was for me and I think for everyone.  I'll be sharing just a few reflections on the conference in a separate post.

Thanks to Lacy for taking and sending the pics!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Conference this Weekend!

Just a reminder that I won't be blogging for the rest of the week, as I am leaving this afternoon for the Relevant Conference.  I am so excited, and I can't wait to share my experience with you when I get back.

Have a great weekend!

Best Bloom Deals: 10/20-10/26

Thanks to Sarah at Capitally Frugal for the best Bloom deals each week.  Read her complete list here.

Annie Chun's Potstickers - $2.50
Use $1.00/1 printable coupon, by signing up for their newsletter
$1.50 after coupon
Totino's Party Pizza or Rolls - $1.00
Use $0.40/2*, found in 8/8 GM & 9/12 GM or $0.50/4*, found in 10/17 SS
As low as $0.60/ea after coupon

Land O Lakes Buttery Taste Magarine - B1G1
Use $0.50/2*, found in 10/24 SS
$0.59/ea, when you buy 2

Pacific Organic Broths - 2/$5
Use $1.00/2, found on their website.
$2.00/ea, when you buy 2

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Really Hot Starbucks Deal!!!

Sorry, this is now sold out.  Wow - that was fast!!!

Thanks to a tip from MoneySavingMom, I just ordered a $5 Starbucks gift card for $2!  It's a deal that currently running on Mamapedia, one of the daily deal sites.  It's the "National" deal of the day.  Hurry, because I'm sure they have a limited number, and this deal is going to be popular!

There is a limit of one of this deal per household.  The gift card will be mailed to you, so you can use it yourself or give it as a gift.  This purchase was a no-brainer for me, as either a gift to my Starbucks-loving mom or to treat myself to my favorite Peppermint Mocha in the next couple of months!

As with other deal sites, you can sign up for daily emails from Mamapedia, and you can earn credit for referring your friends.

(Thanks, MoneySavingMom!)

Note: This post contains an affiliate link, which helps support this site.

Wegmans: 10/17-10/23

New Deals:

California Green Seedless Grapes - $.99/lb.

General Mills 12.8 oz. Cinnamon Toast Crunch, MultiGrain Cheerios, or 14 oz. Cheerios - $2.50
Use $.65/1 Cinnamon Toast Crunch printable coupon or buy 3 and use $1.00/3 cereal coupons herehere, here, or here
Final Price: $1.85-$2.17 each

Pacific Organic Broth (32 fl. oz. chicken or beef) - $1.99
Buy 2 and use $1.00/2 coupon printable coupon
Final Price: $1.49 each

Weight Watchers Smart Ones Entrees (8-11 oz.) - $1.99
Buy 5 and use $1.00/5 from Oct. Good Housekeeping or printable or buy 10 and use $4/10 printable coupon (fill out survey)
Final Price: $1.59-$1.79 each

Wegmans 80% Lean Fresh Ground Beef (6 lbs. or more) - $1.89/lb.

Speed Stick (3-3.25 oz.) or Lady Speed Stick (2.3 oz.) - $1.50

Use $1.00/2 or $.50/1 from 10/03 SS insert
Final Price: $.50-$1.00
Ongoing Deals:

Produce -
Wegmans US #1 Russet Idaho Potatoes (5 lb. bag) - $1.99
Winter Squash - $.99/lb.
Wegmans US #1 3lb. Bagged Apples - $.2.49

US #1 NY State Apple Tote - $.89/lb.
Grocery -
Quaker Chewy Granola Bars (8.4-8.7 oz.) - $1.99
Buy 2 and use $1.00/2 coupon from 9/19 RP insert or printable
Final Price: $1.49 each
Wegmans All Purpose Flour (5 lbs.) - $.99 (Limit 2)
Nestle Tollhouse Morsels (10-12 oz.) - $1.69 (through 01/08)
Buy 2 and use $1.00/2 printable coupon
Final Price: $1.19 each
Pillsbury Cake Mix (18.25-18.9 oz.) - $.88
Pepperidge Farm Milano Cookies (7.2-7.75 oz.) - $1.99
Use $1.00/1 printable coupon
Final Price: $.99
Thai Kitchen Rice Noodle Bowl - $1.25
Use $.50/1 printable coupon (doubled) or buy 2 and use $1.00/2 coupon from 8/29 RP insert
Final Price: $.25-$.75
Ziti, Spaghetti, or Thin Spaghetti (16 oz.) - $.69
Wegmans Fruit Bowls - $1.69
Use $1.00/1 coupon from filling a prescription
Final Price: $.69
Campbell's Chicken Noodle or Tomato Soup (10.75 oz.) - $.50
Buy 2 and use $.40/2 coupon from 8/29 SS insert (doubled)
Final Price: $.10 each
Wegmans Canned Vegetables (14.5-15.25 oz can) Cream Style Corn, Whole Kernel Corn, French Style Green Beans, or Cut Green Beans - $.39
Wegmans Tomato Sauce, Puree, or Crushed Tomatoes (28-29 oz.) - $.69
Wegmans Macaroni and Cheese Dinner (6-7.25 oz.) - $.33
Wegmans Hot Dog or Hamburger Rolls (8 ct./14 oz.) - $.99
Maxwell House Coffee (10.5-11.5 oz.) - $1.99
Buy 2 and use $1.00/2 printable coupon
Final Price: $1.49 each
Coca-Cola (2 liter) - $.99

Refrigerated -
Wegmans Gallon Milk - $1.99-$2.24
Dannon Danimals and Danonino Yogurt - $1.99 (through 10/30)
Use $1.00/1 from the 8/15 SS insert
Final Price: $.99
Yoplait Delights - $2.49 (through 10/30)
Use $.50/1 coupon from 08/08 SS insert (doubled)
Final Price: $1.49
Pillsbury Cinnamon, Danish, or Crescent Rolls (8-13.9 oz.) - $1.99
Use various coupons herehere, and here and from 10/03 GM insert
Final Price: as low as $1.50 each
Pillsbury Grands Biscuits - $1.79
Buy 2 and use $.30/2 coupon from 8/08 SS insert or printable (doubled)
Final Price: $1.49 each
Nestle Tollhouse Refrigerated Cookie Dough - $2.49 (through 10/30)
Use $1.00/1 coupon from 10/03 RP insert or buy 2 and use $1.00/2 printable coupon
Final price: $1.49-$1.99
Oscar Mayer Lunchmeat (Ham and Turkey, 10 oz.) - $2.69 (through 10/30)
Buy 2 and use $1.00/2 coupon from 9/26 SS insert or printable
Final Price: $2.19 each

Stouffer's Lean Cuisine Entrees (8-11.5 oz. select varieties) - $1.99
Buy 2 and use $1.00/2 printable coupon
Final Price: $1.49 each
Pillsbury Toaster Strudel (10-11.5 oz.) - $1.99
Buy 2 and use $.50/2 printable coupon here, here, or here (doubled)
Final Price: $1.49 each

Wegmans Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast (Club Pack - 5 lbs. or more) - $1.99/lb.

Paper/Toiletries/Cleaning -
Wegmans Facial Tissue (65-160 ct. cube or flat) – $.79
Wegmans 8 pk. Paper Towels or 12 pk. Bath Tissue – $4.99
Cottonelle Bath Tissue (12 pk.) - $4.99
Use $1.00/1 coupon from July All You magazine or 8/15 SS insert or $.50/1 coupon here or here (doubled)
Final Price: $3.99
Pantene Shampoo or Conditioner - $2.99
Buy 2 and use $1.00/2 coupon from 8/29 or 9/26 P&G insert
Final Price: $2.49 each
Edge or Skintimate Shave Gel (7 oz.) - $1.50
Buy 2 Edge and use BOGO printable coupon
Final Price: $.75 each
Speed Stick or Lady Speed Stick (1.8-2 oz., selected) - $.88
Dynamo 2X Laundry Detergent (50 fl. oz.) - $1.99
Use $.50/1 (doubled) or $1.00/2 coupon found in some 5/23, 8/15, or 10/3 SS inserts
Final Price: $.99-$1.49
Stayfree Maxi Pads (16-24 ct., excludes Adv Pro and Dri Max) - $1.99
Use $.50/1 from 9/26 RP insert (doubled)
Final Price: $.99
V05 Shampoo or Conditioner (15 fl. oz.) - $.69
Irish Spring Deoderant Soap Bar, Original (6.4 oz.) or Lever 200 Soap Bars, Refreshing, Original - $.99
Crest Premium Toothpaste (6.2 oz.) - $1.99
Use $.75/1 from 10/10 PG insert or $.50/1 from 9/26 PG insert (doubled0
Final Price: $.99-$1.24

My Wegmans deals are based on the Sterling/Leesburg, VA sales ad and deals that I find in the Leesburg store.

With thanks to the coupon database at Mrs. Moneysaver for help in compiling this.

My store doubles coupons up to $.50, but Wegmans' coupon policies vary by store. Find the policy at your store here.

This post is part of BeCentsAble's Grocery Gathering.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Wegmans Menu Magazine Coupons

I've been meaning to give a quick rundown of the coupons in the fall issue of Wegmans Menu Magazine.  This magazine is available for $4 in-store, but it is mailed for free to Wegmans cardholders who give their correct mailing address.

This season's coupons are as follows:

$1.00 off any two Italian Classic Pasta (16 oz. including Whole Wheat)
$1.00 off any Italian Classics Frozen Meals (32-40 oz. varieties)
$1.00 off any Organic Grass-Fed Stew Beef in Keeps Fresh Packaging
$1.00 off Food You Feel Good About Cleaned and Cut Butternut Squash (20 oz.)
$1.00 off any Italian Classics Refrigerated Pasta (9-20 oz. varieties)
$1.00 off any Italian Classics Refrigerated Sauce (7-13 oz. varieties)
$1.00 off Italian Cliassics Mini Frozen Cannolis (14 oz.) - this is tooo tempting!
$1.00 off Pane Italian (Italian bread) (14 oz.)
$1.00 off  Italian Classics Vodka Blush, Seasoned Tomato, or Parmesan Cream Sauce(24 oz.)
$1.00 off Wegmans All-Natural Uncured Salami (5 varieties)

If I find any particularly good deals using the coupons, I'll include them with my weekly Wegmans deal posts.

These coupons are only good through 11/06.  I'm thinking that this means that there will be a holiday issue of the magazine coming out next month.

Quick Deal Roundup

A few deals I have my eye on this week . . .

Harris Teeter's General Mills promotion - My cereal stash was finally getting low after a couple of months of minimal shopping, so I hit this deal today.  Do make sure that your catalina prints . . . mine did not originally.  The deal is pretty great: spend less than $20 (with coupons) to get $20 worth of coupons . . . making all your merchandise more than free!  The catch of course is that you have to shop at Harris Teeter every week for the next four weeks to use the coupons.  I know they usually have a few good loss leaders, so I decided to commit this time.

Amazon Diapers- Again this month it looks like you may be able to stack magazine coupon codes with the 30% off Amazon Mom discount to get a great deal on diapers on Amazon!  I know that the latest issue of "Parents" magazine had a 20% off coupon, and I just received the November issues of "Parenting the Early Years", which also included a 20% off coupon.  If this works like it did in August, you may be able to stack all 3 discounts.  I don't know which diapers would make for the best deal, but any way you slice it it's going to be a good deal on name-brand diapers.  I never got around to doing this in August, so I'm hoping to get a good stock-up deal this time!

LandsEnd has Overstocks up to 75% off, and I received an email with a code and pin for an extra 20% off.  Not everything is out of season, either - I saw kids winter hats and scarves and a lot of school and school uniform items.

One Step Ahead, one of my very favorite baby/kid stores, has a lot of their Halloween costumes on sale for about half price.  Their costumes are fairly pricey to start out with, but knowing the company I'll bet they're pretty high quality.  They also have a lot of summer items on sale at least half price.

Lastly, print your $2.00/1 Quaker oatmeal coupon before they're gone!  You can easily get a box of instant oatmeal for $.50 or less with this coupon. (Thanks, MoneySavingMom)

What deals do you see this week?

Note: Some of these links are affiliate links, which support this site.

Best CVS Deals: 10/17-10/23

Ashley at Frugal Coupon Living is taking the week off, so Tracie at Penny Pinchin Mom has the CVS deals this week.  Her complete list is here.

Receive $5 in ECB wyb (3) Kelloggs Cereals, Nutri Grain Bars, Fiber Plus Bars, 3/$10 Limit 2
Use $1/3 Kellogg’s Cereals 10/17/2010 RP Insert (exp 11/28/2010)
or use $1/2 Kellogg’s Nutri Grain Bars 8/29/2010 RP Insert (exp 10/24/2010)
or use $1/2 Kellogg’s Special K Protein Meal Bars 9/12/2010 RP Insert (exp 11/7/2010)
or use $1/2 Kellogg’s Special K Cereals
or use $1/2 Kellogg’s Cereals
or use $1/2 Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain Bars
or use $1/2 Kellogg’s Frosted Mini-Wheats Cereals
ECB Earned on 3: $5
Final Price: As low as 3/$4.00 or $1.33 each after coupon and ECB

Schick Hydro Razor, $8.99
Use $4/1 Schick Hydro 3 Razor 10/3/2010 SS Insert (exp 11/14/2010)
or use $4/1 Schick Hydro 5 Razor 10/3/2010 SS Insert (exp 11/14/2010)
ECB Earned: $5
Final Price: FREE after coupon and ECB

Gas-X or Benefiber $9.99
Use $2/1 Benefiber Orange Powder
or use $1/1 Benefiber Product 10/17/2010 SS Insert (exp 12/31/2010)
or use $1/1 Benefiber Orange Product 10/17/2010 SS Insert (exp 12/31/2010)
or use $2.50/1 Benefiber Orange Product
or use $1/1 Gas-X Product
ECB Earned: $3
Final Price: As low as $4.99 after coupon and ECB
Limit 1

All Laundry Detergent, $4.99
Use $1/1 All Liquid Laundry Detergent 9/26/2010 RP Insert (exp 11/15/2010)
or use $1/1 All Free and Clear Laundry Detergent (IE) Printable (FF)
ECB Earned: $1.00
Final Price: Like paying $2.99 after ECB and coupon
Limit 4

Mars, Nestle, or Hershey’s Snack Size, 2/$5
Use $1.50/3 Mars Brand Candy Fun Size Bags 10/10/2010 RP Insert (exp 10/31/2010)
or use $1/2 Hershey’s, Reese’s, or Kit Kat Candy 10/17/2010 SS Insert (exp 10/31/2010)
or use $1/3 Reese’s, Kit Kat, or Hershey’s Snack Size Bag
or use $1/3 Hershey’s Reese’s or Kit Kat Snack Size Bag 9/26/2010 SS Insert (exp 10/16/2010)
or use $1/2 Nestle Chocolate Halloween Candy 10/17/2010 RP Insert (exp 10/31/2010)
or use $1/2 Nestle Chocolate Halloween Candy 10/17/2010 RP Insert (exp 10/31/2010)
Use In-Store Coupon: Save $1.00/2
Final Price: 2/$3.00 or $1.50 each

Tide Laundry Detergent, $5.94
Use $1/1 Tide Detergent 9/26/2010 P&G Insert (exp 10/31/2010)
Final Price: 4.94
Limit 4

Mentos Gum, B1G1 Free
Use $1/1 Mentos Gum 10/3/2010 SS Insert (exp 11/30/2010)
or use $1/1 Mentos Gum 10/3/2010 SS Insert (exp 11/30/2010)
Final Price: Will depend upon product price – but use 2 – $1/1 coupons

Purchase $20 worth of select candy and purchase How to Train Your Dragon for $9.99
Use $1/2 Hershey’s Kisses Filled With Caramel 9/26/2010 SS Insert (exp 11/28/2010)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Relevant Sponsor Profile: "What's the Deal?" Local Deal Site

I am very excited to introduce to you a partial sponsor of my trip to the Relevant Conference: a great DC-area deal site called What's the Deal

What's the Deal is a daily deal/group coupon site, but the difference is that What's the Deal is DC-based and features only local DC metro area deals.  They offer at least five new fun deals per week, including at least one live event (usually happy hours around the city or in NOVA).  They also just started a weekly list of free happy hour events, which you can choose to receive by email when you sign up for their regular deal emails.

It strikes me from following their deals that they often go beyond just mainstream events and destinations, so the site would be a great way to find new places to go in the metro area.  I got several ideas for places for my husband to take the guys for a bachelor party he is planning for a friend.  Some recent deals (that are still available) included everything from 50% off at any location of Firehook Bakery to 50% off wine packages from First Vine to 40% off tickets to a National Geographic Live Musical.

I like the fact that the deals on the site are usually available for one to two weeks, as opposed to just one day.  That would give you time to check your weekend schedule or to make plans with a friend before buying.

I also like that the website is attractive and easy to navigate, and it has plenty of information to make you feel comfortable purchasing from them.  It even shows pictures of the team behind the site.  And don't miss their rap video here - it's hilarious!

What's the Deal also has an exclusive partnership with Washingtonian Magazine, and all of their business partners get featured on

What's the Deal is offering Frugally Blonde readers an exclusive coupon code for trying out their site!  Simply use code FRUGALB when placing your first order or click this link to receive $3 in credit towards your first deal!

And be sure to sign up for their daily emails, so that you get the newest great deal every day!

Disclaimer: What's the Deal is a partial sponsor of my trip to Relevant, and as such I was compensated for writing this post.  However, I accepted their sponsorship because I thought that their site would be of real interest to my local readers.  The opinions in this post are honest and my own.

Deal on Used Children's Clothing on PlumDistrict

Plum District, another of the daily deal sites, has an interesting deal on used children's clothing today.  For $20 (56% off), you can get a PRO membership to thredUP, a children's clothing swap site, plus a free clothing swap. 

Basically, thredUP is a site where you exchange boxes of gently used clothing with other families.  You can browse clothes by size, color, brand, and style and choose what will work for your family. 

The PRO membership is not necessary to use the site, but it gives you features like first dibs on the box of clothing you want, custom recommendations based on your profile, and access to "Golden Threds, " boxes of brand new clothing!

This sounds like a really good deal for people who don't have good thrift stores or consignment sales in their areas.  In my area, I have plenty of choice of used clothing, so I would be unlikely to need a service like this.  However, friends in other areas have told me that it is difficult to find quality used items, so this might be perfect for them.

To get this deal, go to Plum District and select "everywhere" as the region.

Note: This post includes my Plum District referral link, so I will get credit if you purchase through my link.  You can refer friends to the site and get credit as well.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Best Bloom Deals: 10/13-10/19

Thanks to Sarah at Capitally Frugal for the best Bloom deals each week.  Check out her full list here.

Mueller's Pasta - $1.00

Use $0.55/1*, found in 9/12 SS
Final Price: FREE

Olivia's Organics Salads - $2.99
Use $1.00/1, found here.
Final Price: $1.99

Oscar Mayer Carving Board Lunch Meats - $3.00
Use $1.00/1, found here.
Final Price: $2.00

Dove Deodorant - $2.00
Use $0.75/1*, found in 10/3 RP
Final Price: $0.50

Yoplait Yogurt - 20/$10
Use $0.40/6*, found here.
Final Price: $0.36/ea when you buy 6

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Relevant Blogging Conference

I am so excited!!!  Next weekend, Oct. 21-24, I will be attending my first blogging conference, The Relevant Conference in Hershey, PA!

When I first heard about this conference, it appealed to me because it was small (limited to 200 attendees), Christian-based, and an easy drive from my home.  However, attending the conference seemed like a pipe dream for a relatively small blogger like me. 

I decided to simply put the issue in God's hands.  I asked that if he wanted me to go, He would make it happen.  Very quickly after I first prayed, he did just that, enabling me to get a ticket.  Since then he also provided me with two wonderful bloggers as roommates and carpool buddies and even a partial sponsor for my hotel and transportation costs!

So next Thursday, baby Gem and I will load up our minivan with Lacy and her little one and Laura and we'll be heading to Hershey!  I won't be blogging during the conference, but I'm sure I'll have much to share when I get back.  My hope for the conference is that it will improve this blog as a service to my readers and  help me to use my blogging as a blessing for myself and my family.

Wegmans Deals: 10/10-10/16

New Deals:

Green or Red Seedless Grapes - $.99/lb.

US #1 NY State Apple Tote - $.89/lb.

Pillsbury Cake Mix (18.25-18.9 oz.) - $.88

Pepperidge Farm Milano Cookies (7.2-7.75 oz.) - $1.99
Use $1.00/1 printable coupon
Final Price: $.99

Thai Kitchen Rice Noodle Bowl - $1.25
Use $.50/1 printable coupon (doubled) or buy 2 and use $1.00/2 coupon from 8/29 RP insert
Final Price: $.25-$.75

Nestle Tollhouse Refrigerated Cookie Dough - $2.49 (through 10/30)
Use $1.00/1 coupon from 10/03 RP insert or buy 2 and use $1.00/2 printable coupon
Final price: $1.49-$1.99

Oscar Mayer Lunchmeat (Ham and Turkey, 10 oz.) - $2.69 (through 10/30)
Buy 2 and use $1.00/2 coupon from 9/26 SS insert or printable
Final Price: $2.19 each

Irish Spring Deoderant Soap Bar, Original (6.4 oz.) or Lever 200 Soap Bars, Refreshing, Original - $.99

Crest Premium Toothpaste (6.2 oz.) - $1.99
Use $.75/1 from 10/10 PG insert or $.50/1 from 9/26 PG insert (doubled0
Final Price: $.99-$1.24

Ongoing Deals:

Produce -
Wegmans US #1 Russet Idaho Potatoes (5 lb. bag) - $1.99
Winter Squash - $.99/lb.
Wegmans US #1 3lb. Bagged Apples - $.2.49

Grocery -
Quaker Chewy Granola Bars (8.4-8.7 oz.) - $1.99
Buy 2 and use $1.00/2 coupon from 9/19 RP insert or printable
Final Price: $1.49 each
Zatarains Rice Mix (6.3-8 oz.) - $.99
Buy 2 and use $.75/2 printable coupon or buy 4 and use $1.00/4 from 9/19 RP insert
Final Price: $.61-$.74 each
Wegmans All Purpose Flour (5 lbs.) - $.99 (Limit 2)
Nestle Tollhouse Morsels (10-12 oz.) - $1.69
Buy 2 and use $1.00/2 printable coupon
Final Price: $1.19 each
Ziti, Spaghetti, or Thin Spaghetti (16 oz.) - $.69
Wegmans Fruit Bowls - $1.69
Use $1.00/1 coupon from filling a prescription
Final Price: $.69
Campbell's Chicken Noodle or Tomato Soup (10.75 oz.) - $.50
Buy 2 and use $.40/2 coupon from 8/29 SS insert (doubled)
Final Price: $.10 each
Wegmans Canned Vegetables (14.5-15.25 oz can) Cream Style Corn, Whole Kernel Corn, French Style Green Beans, or Cut Green Beans - $.39
Wegmans Tomato Sauce, Puree, or Crushed Tomatoes (28-29 oz.) - $.69
Campbell's Chunky Soup (18.6-19oz., excludes Chili and Full Loaded) - $1.25
Use $1.00/2 or $1.00/5 coupon from 8/15 SS insert or $1.00/4 coupon from 9/12 SS insert or various coupons here
Final Price: $.25-$1.05 each
Wegmans Macaroni and Cheese Dinner (6-7.25 oz.) - $.33
Wegmans Hot Dog or Hamburger Rolls (8 ct./14 oz.) - $.99
Maxwell House Coffee (10.5-11.5 oz.) - $1.99
Buy 2 and use $1.00/2 printable coupon
Final Price: $1.49 each
Coca-Cola (2 liter) - $.99

Refrigerated -
Wegmans Gallon Milk - $1.99-$2.24
Dannon Danimals and Danonino Yogurt - $1.99 (through 10/30)
Use $1.00/1 from the 8/15 SS insert
Final Price: $.99
Yoplait Delights - $2.49 (through 10/30)
Use $.50/1 coupon from 08/08 SS insert (doubled)
Final Price: $1.49
Pillsbury Cinnamon, Danish, or Crescent Rolls (8-13.9 oz.) - $1.99
Use various coupons herehere, and here and from 10/03 GM insert
Final Price: as low as $1.50 each
Pillsbury Grands Biscuits - $1.79
Buy 2 and use $.30/2 coupon from 8/08 SS insert or printable (doubled)
Final Price: $1.49 each

Stouffer's Lean Cuisine Entrees (8-11.5 oz. select varieties) - $1.99
Buy 2 and use $1.00/2 printable coupon
Final Price: $1.49 each
Pillsbury Toaster Strudel (10-11.5 oz.) - $1.99
Buy 2 and use $.50/2 printable coupon here, here, or here (doubled)
Final Price: $1.49 each

Wegmans Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast (Club Pack - 5 lbs. or more) - $1.99/lb.

Paper/Toiletries/Cleaning -
Wegmans Facial Tissue (65-160 ct. cube or flat) – $.79
Wegmans 8 pk. Paper Towels or 12 pk. Bath Tissue – $4.99
St. Ives (13.5 oz. Body Wash or 18 fl. oz. Lotion) - $1.99
Use $.50/1 coupon (doubled) from 07/18 SS insert or $1.00/1 coupon here
Final Price: $.99
Cottonelle Bath Tissue (12 pk.) - $4.99
Use $1.00/1 coupon from July All You magazine or 8/15 SS insert or $.50/1 coupon here or here (doubled)
Final Price: $3.99
Gillette Series or Satin Care Shave Gel (7 oz.) - $1.88
Pantene Shampoo or Conditioner - $2.99
Buy 2 and use $1.00/2 coupon from 8/29 or 9/26 P&G insert
Final Price: $2.49 each
Edge or Skintimate Shave Gel (7 oz.) - $1.50
Buy 2 Edge and use BOGO printable coupon
Final Price: $.75 each
Crest Premium Toothpaste (6.2 oz.) - $1.99
Use coupon from 8/29 P&G insert (amount varies by region)
Final Price: $.99-$1.25
Speed Stick or Lady Speed Stick (1.8-2 oz., selected) - $.88
Dynamo 2X Laundry Detergent (50 fl. oz.) - $1.99
Use $.50/1 (doubled) or $1.00/2 coupon found in some 5/23, 8/15, or 10/3 SS inserts
Final Price: $.99-$1.49
Stayfree Maxi Pads (16-24 ct., excludes Adv Pro and Dri Max) - $1.99
Use $.50/1 from 9/26 RP insert (doubled)
Final Price: $.99
V05 Shampoo or Conditioner (15 fl. oz.) - $.69

My Wegmans deals are based on the Sterling/Leesburg, VA sales ad and deals that I find in the Leesburg store.

With thanks to the coupon database at Mrs. Moneysaver for help in compiling this.

My store doubles coupons up to $.50, but Wegmans' coupon policies vary by store. Find the policy at your store here.

This post is part of BeCentsAble's Grocery Gathering.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Menu Planning Monday

Menu Planning!  It seems like a long time since I've done this.  Baby Gem was born on August 31, which ended up being followed by two weeks spent mostly in the hospital.  After that, thanks to the wonderful women from my mom's group at church, we received enough meals that I have cooked only one or two dinners over the past month.

However, it had to end sometime, so this week I am easing back into official menu planning.  It seems a bit overwhelming to sit down and make a plan, but I know that every evening will be a lot more overwhelming if I don't plan!

As you see, I'm making easy dishes that we can eat for more than one night and not worrying too much about variety.  I'll get back in my groove of cooking again . . . at some point . . .

cereal, poptarts, oatmeal, frozen muffins

leftover confetti salad, coldcuts with bread or crackers, pbj

popcorn, chips, trail mix

Mon - Chili (making a huge pot), cornbread
Tues - Homemade pizza, salad
Wed - Chili baked potatoes, salad
Thurs - Frozen leftover soup, bread
Fri - Homemade pizza, salad
Weekend - We have family in town and won't need to cook. :-)

As always, check out lots of other menu plans at OrgJunkie.

Northern Virginia Groupon Deal

I thought some of my NOVA readers might be interested in one of today's DC area Groupon deals.  Today you can get $5 admission to the Corn Maze or the Moonlight Maze at The Corn Maze in The Plains on November 5-7.  (If you don't know where The Plains is, it's a little town on Rte. 66 on the way to Front Royal.)

This deal appeals to me because this time of year a lot of families I know like to visit local farms for apple/pumpkin picking, hayrides, and corn mazes.  However, a lot of farm fall activities in my area are pretty pricey.  This would get a family of four into the corn maze for $20, and even less if you have children under three.

To get this deal, go to Groupon, choose "Washington DC" and find the Corn Maze deal on the sidebar.

Note: This post contains my Groupon referral link. 

Top CVS deals: 10/10-10/16

Thanks to Ashley at Frugal Coupon Living for the best CVS deals each week.  Check out here complete list here.

Colgate Total Advanced or Enamel Strength 4oz $2.99 (get $2.99 ECBs) Limit 2

$.75 printable
$.75 SS 10/3
$.75 September All You Magazine

Accu-Check Aviva Diabetes Monitoring Kit $9.99
$9.99 Manufacturer Mail-in-Rebate (look on box)
= FREE after MIR

Lindsay Black Olives $10/10
$1/2 RP 5/2
$1/2 September Family Circle Magazine
$1/2 October Cooking Light Magazine
$1 RP 5/2
= FREE – $.50 each

Quaker Quick Oats – 18 oz, Instant Oatmeal or Granola Bars – 8 to 10 ct $5/2 (get $2ECBs wyb 2) Limit 2
$1/2 Granola Bars RP 9/19
$1 Instant Oatmeal printable
$1 Instant Oatmeal or Quick Oats RP 8/29
$1 Instant Oatmeal or Quick Oats RP 9/12
$2 Instant Oatmeal printable (Thanks Penny Pinchin Mom)
= $1 MONEYMAKER – $1 after ECBs

Select P&G Products (get $10 ECBs wyb $25) Limit 1
Charmin – 16pk. $9.99
$.25 P&G 10/10
$.25 P&G 9/26
$1 Upromise eCoupon (put money toward college)
Bounty Paper Towels – 8 pk $6.99
$.25 P&G 9/26
$.50 Upromise eCoupon (put money toward college)
Downy Liquid – 52 to 60 loads or Bounce Sheets- 120ct $5.97
$.50 Bounce P&G 9/26
$1 Bounce SS 8/15
$1 Downey P&G 9/26
2x Ultra Tide or Gain or HE – 48 to 64 loads $10.97
$1 Gain P&G 10/10
$1 Tide P&G 9/26
$2 Tide October Good Housekeeping
$2 Tide October Marie Claire Magazine
$2 Tide October Oprah Magazine
$2 Tide October Redbook Magazine
= varies

Deal Idea
Buy 5 Downy or Bounce products at $5.97
Use 5 $1 coupons
= $2.97 each after ECBs

Deal Idea
Buy 1 Tide Product at $10.97
Buy 3 Downy or Bounce products at $5.97
Use 1 $2 Tide Coupon
Use 2 $1 Downy or Bounce coupons
= $3.72 each after ECBs

There are several good deals this week, especially the oatmeal - perfect for fall!  I skipped CVS last week, so I'll definitely be going this week.  I'm hoping that my CVS marks their summer clearance down to 90% off this week too; it's been at 75% off for several weeks now.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Frugal Fall Display

Autumn is my very favorite time of year, so I really wanted to dress up the outside of our house a bit for the season.  Also, all my summer flowers in pots dried up during our extended hospital stay, so the porch was not looking too good!  Time and money are both in extremely short supply these days, but I was able to come up with a little something:

I bought the mums at Walmart.  The larger pot was $2.50.  The smaller pots were on clearance for just $.25 each!  I had learned about discount plants from Lacy's guest post this summer, so when I saw the rack of mostly dried-up pots, I took a second look.  Sure enough, there were a couple of pots that looked significantly better than the others.  They were still a little wilted and brown, but from a distance, you can hardly notice.

The scarecrow was from the dollar store.  I love my new expanded Dollar Tree!

Total spent on my porch display: $4.00.

Check out Frugal Fridays at Life as Mom and Mrs. Moneysaver for more frugal ideas!

Target Clearance and CVS Deals

The baby and I went out shopping Monday night after dinner, and I got several good deals around town.  At CVS, I found two big boxes of those freezable pouch popsicles marked down to $.99 each (75% off).   They'll keep until next summer, and it will be nice to have them for hot afternoons in the backyard. 

The CVS price scanner also printed a coupon for me for $5 off any Halloween decor, costume, or accessory item, with no minimum!  I"m not into scary decorations, so here's what I picked out:

The wand set was $3.99, and the light sticks were $.99 each.  (I couldn't find items to come out to exactly $5).  However, for less than a dollar I got a future gift (wands and tiaras are always popular in a house with little girls), as well as a fun treat for Halloween.

At Target, I browsed the clothing clearance racks a bit and found these items:

The overalls for next year for Baby Gem were $3.24, and the baby outfit for my baby gift stash was just $1.50!  And don't you love the dress for Mommy???  It was just $9.98 - 75% off!  Unfortunately, I got one size too small.  I'm planning to try to exchange it tonight, hoping they still have the next size up!

Also at Target, I got these grocery items from the deals this week:
- 5 Mott's applesauce ($.75 each after gift card)
- 2 Market Pantry shredded cheese ($1.34 each after printable coupon)
- 2 Lunchables ($.50 after coupon)
- 1 bag of grapes ($.99/lb., used produce coupon)
- 1 bag caramel Hershey kisses (used register coupon from previous trip with insert coupon to get to $.99)
- 2 boxes of Huggies wipes ($.013 per wipe after coupons and gift card)

Have you picked up any great deals this week?